
Thursday, September 2, 2021

Tucker's Stocking

 Can I just say that my favorite part of Christmas,
aside from the true meaning,
is filling the stockings.
I'd much rather find little things for the stockings
than purchase gifts.
In fact, some years that's what we've done...
just filled stockings.
Now, I can go a bit overboard with the stocking stuffers.
You won't find just gum, combs, candy, toothbrushes,
etc. in the stockings I fill.
Since I love stockings so much,
my daughter and her family all have stockings
at my house, in addition to the ones at their house.
Everyone except their dog, Tucker.
This year he will have his own stocking at my house, too.




This is a new design from Bucilla for this year.
It was so quick and easy to make!

I wanted to make the dog black, like Tucker,
but I didn't have black felt and wanted to get it done.
Tucker won't mind.

 I will make the quilted stocking and stitch this to the front.
This one will be challenging with the bone shape,
so I'll see how it goes.

Only a little less than 4 months to Christmas!

Happy Quilting!


  1. The doggie stocking is so sweet! I get kind of crazy with the stocking stuffers too, and everyone has stockings hanging on MY fireplace mantel, but I've made stockings for their houses too.

  2. Precious! I'm sure that Tucker will be more interested in what's INSIDE than the color of his representation on the outside. :) You do beautiful work!

  3. Too cute! We are big stocking stuffers, too. I collect little treasures throughout the year for stuffing.

  4. Wow, even Tucker will have his own stocking. Such a fabulous design and so very cute.

  5. I love Tucker's stocking and am feeling guilty that my pups don't have such a pretty one.

  6. I think I found your kindred spirit! Have you read ? She's a big time kaffe fan and does beautiful work. I just began reading since inception (2017) and she's got great instructions on how to make bags using her KFC scraps, I just know you'll like. I kept wondering what her deal was with saying KFC every so often. To me KFC means colonel -- as in Kentucky Fried! Some kind of turrets??? Sharp as a marble me, finally figured out she's referring to her large kaffe fassett collections! Duh!

    Anyway, I thought of you right away. But I didn't know how else to get the info to you.

  7. How sweet is that, a doggie stocking! You are just a stocking wizzard.
