
Friday, August 27, 2021

Pineapple Blocks

 After finishing this quilt top the other day,
I pulled out another box with a UFO and decided to
continue working on this project.

Unfortunately, this project had just 4 blocks finished
and a few others started.
I gathered some more fabrics so there is more of a variety,
and have been working on more blocks.
This meant a trip to the quilt shop with the gift certificate
my husband gave to me for Christmas!
 These beauties were added to what I already had.
No matter how hard I try... I just can't stay away from
these colors!
I am making pineapple blocks using the Pineapple trim tool above.
It's a pretty easy process and the piecing is very accurate.
(I am not a paper piecer, but if you haven't seen  
 It's gorgeous!!)

Here is a finished block.
(I must put up a design wall somewhere!)

I made 12 blocks with the original fabrics I had and had
them on my design floor.
My husband came in and said that these blocks would make a really
nice quilt for our bed.
What a great idea!
Now I only need 109 more blocks!
(These are 9" finished blocks.)

It's going to take a while,
but it will be a fun process.

Happy Quilting!



  1. I just started a pineapple quilt too, mine is purple and white. I am using the creative grids ruler too, making the 10 inch size. I am doing all my blocks the same, to form a secondary pattern with a slightly different alternate pineapple block, only 32 blocks for me lol.

  2. I can understand why you gravitate to those gorgeous colors. So pretty!! Your husband was right to suggest this one for your own bedroom.

    Paper piecing is OK in small quantities, but I just can't understand choosing to paper piece when there are wonderful rulers and instructions for traditional piecing techniques. I did paper piece pineapple blocks for a small wall hanging but those blocks were teeny tiny so the paper did help stabilize them.

  3. Oh, this is so pretty!!! Are you really going for that many blocks? I do like the regular piecing idea better, too. And you have sure showed restrain if you're just getting around to using a Christmas gift certificate!

  4. Another beautiful quilt and what a swell guy you married to suggest it for your bed!
    I will have to look for that tool I am not a fan of paper piecing either. Love those cool colors
    Have a great weekend

  5. Love those batiks! Hadn't seen that ruler from Creative Grids. Your blocks look perfect.

  6. Yep, definitely your colors! It's going to be a winner, whatever size you end up with. Haven't seen that ruler and I don't have any plans to make a pineapple block any time soon.

  7. What a glorious fabric stack and a fabulous quilt in the works!!

  8. It’s going to be a beautiful quilt! I love all the colors too. Hugs,

  9. I love your colors. It will make a beautiful quilt for your bed. And yes I saw Rebecca Grace's pineapple quilt and it's gorgeous!

  10. I love using that ruler for pineapples. I have both sizes of it. You know I love 💕 those colors too. Your hubby is right, it will make a great bed quilt!

  11. Wow, those colors will make a stunning quilt. You have a smart husband! Here's wishing you the fortitude and endurance to get the remaining 109 blocks finished. You can do it!

  12. It is nice to have a spouse who likes your projects and takes an interest in your work.
    Enjoy making the over 100 blocks. I think it will take a while. It is very pretty with the colors you have selected.

  13. Wow, this quilt will be so striking when it's finished! Using the white really sets off the colors.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. ? I see the ruler states use scant 1/4”. Can I get away with using just 1/4”?

  16. This comment is for Anonymous above... I'd use a hair less than 1/4" seam allowance. The ruler may not align properly if you use the full 1/4". Do a test block to check it, though.
