
Friday, July 22, 2016

Amish with a Twist II is finished!

This quilt has been a long time coming.
I joined the BOM several years ago and 
just let the kits sit in my cabinet all this time.

A few months ago the quilt said it is time to be made.
I wasn't thrilled at first,
but once the top was pieced 
and now that it's quilted and bound...

I love it!

I've got to find a good way to photograph these big quilts.
It's too big for the deck railing.


The design of this quilt amazes me...
how all of the blocks work together to make the
overall design.
And then using the light and dark solid fabrics to make it
even more interesting.

The feather quilting adds some different movement to the design.

The only thing I wish was different was the thread color of the quilting.
I wish the LAQ had used a more medium gray instead of this gold.
It works, but I think the gray might have blended in a bit more with the dark fabrics.

This quilt is BIG! (105"x105")
And I'm not sure of where I am going to put it. 

 My husband says I can't give this one away,
so maybe it will be a winter quilt on our bed.

It feels really, really good to have this one done!

Happy Quilting!


  1. And you were SO disappointed in the muted sampler blocks! It is stunning and you should use it proudly.

  2. WOW that turned out fantastic! It's always something big when hubby comments. Well done
    Have a great weekend

  3. That really is a stunning finish. It's hard to decide what color of thread to use as the darker would show up on the lights and the lights would show up on the dark.

  4. Stunning! I agree about the thread color, it's something I struggle with and why quilting on my home machine makes it easier to switch threads and do custom quilting. Not easy for a long armer to do. You are funny, I have 3 quilts on my bed right now and it was warm last night! Most everyone else thinks we are crazy though! I will have as many as six quilts in the winter!

  5. That is a stunning quilt. I agree with others about the thread colour - always a challenge and dark thread on light colours really stands out far more than light on dark somehow. Beautiful finish anyway.

  6. It is simply so gorgeous. Right before I read the thread color I thought 'I would do grey thread' for the very reason you stated, it would blend. It is beautiful and you should put it on your bed.

  7. It is beautiful...very beautiful...I've been anxiously waiting to see how your longarmer would treat this. I agree with the thread choice....did she/he not give you a choice? Even when I think I know what thread I want to use, I still always roll out a length of threads of various colors on the quilt top to see what will work best. One strand of thread can look completely different than the entire thread on the spool. I agree with your's a KEEPER!

  8. EVeryone is using the word "stunning" Ramona and I will too! What a stunning and gorgeous quilt! The all over quilting pattern is wonderful too! Maybe with a washing the gold thread will stand out less to you. Either way the quilt is amazing!

  9. Oh YAY!!! What a beautiful finish Ramona!!! I've admired this quilt for quite a while and had to smack my fingers to keep them from ordering the kit myself :*). I know you are glad you did now that it is finished and ready to be enjoyed!
