
Tuesday, December 28, 2021

End of 2021

 I have no idea where 2021 has gone.
One day it was January 1, 2021 and the next it's 
December 28, 2021.
It was a year of big changes for my family...
most were good changes,
but there were some sad changes.
We just kept moving forward and look
forward to each new day.
My quilting adventures sure took a back seat
to life this year.
I had all good intentions of creating more,
but time and energy just did not allow for that.
I'm hoping this will change for 2022.
My Hidey Hole is getting settled.
The boxes have all been unpacked and things
are finding their place in the new space.
In the mean time I've been knitting a bit.
My granddaughter turned one yesterday (!!)
and I knitted her birthday dress.
(I wanted to smock her a dress,
but hadn't unpacked my pleater yet!)
Her party will not be until Sunday
and she will wear her dress then.
It has been given to her and is ready for wear.

This pattern is called "Lil Rosebud"
and purple seems to be her favorite color.
(My daughter's middle name is Rose
and is "Rosebud" to us.  My granddaugther's
middle name is also Rose, so the pattern name is perfect.)

These little polka dot leggings go perfectly with the dress
and will help keep her legs warm.
I hope to be here more in 2022,
sharing new creations and inspirations.
Be well and Happy Quilting!


  1. I feel like you -- in a year where we could do very little, time has flown by. Maybe that's a good thing!

  2. have fun with your granddaughter -- you are right the time flies by - for me I find the older I get the faster the time flies

  3. So good to hear about things in your neck of the woods. What a fabulous little dress for your granddaughter. Enjoy all things little and cute.

  4. That is a sweet little sweater dress and will look so cute with the polka dotted leggings. Enjoy that birthday!!

  5. Your granddaughter's knitted dress is so sweet. Lovely colour. Love the pattern on the sides. It is perfect teamed with those leggings. Have a lovely time celebrating her first birthday.

  6. The year has been a fast one indeed! Can't believe your GD is already one!! What a darling dress.

  7. The little dress and leggings are adorable!! Hugs,

  8. Absolutely adorable! My littlest grandbittie will be 3 in March....little dresses or tunics and leggings are all she wants to wear. We're expecting another little girls in late February from our middle daughter. Our 3 girls tell us to enjoy the 5 grandkids as there will be NO more. With your daughter just getting started she'll have time for more. I agree with you on the time---- I blinked and a year has gone by. 2021 was a bit better than 2020 with all the lockdowns and such. At least we've continued to have church this year. I'm not psychic but I have a feeling 2022 might be more akin to 2020 than 2021....just a gut feeling but I hope I'm wrong! Finish up organizing that hidey-hole; I get so much inspiration from the eye-candy you post. Happy New Year, dear friend. I wish you all the best!

  9. The little dress is just darling! The polka dot tights are perfect for it too. Happy first birthday to Little Miss! Where did that year go? It certainly was a crazy year. I won’t be sad to see it out this week.
