
Monday, August 3, 2020

New Bucilla Stocking

It's been a while since I've worked on a
Bucilla Felt Kit.
I've made a number of these over the years
and have a few in my cabinet, waiting to be made.

A few weeks ago I wanted some hand work to do at night
and pulled one of the kits out.
For me, these are so fun and relaxing to make.

This one is called "Santa Paws."
While I am not a dog person,
my daughter and son-in-law have a wonderful
rescue English Lab.
This stocking will be for Tucker.  :)

The details in these kits are so wonderful
and the directions are clear and precise...
as long as you go in the order given.


I usually do most of the embroidery first,
then cut the pieces in the order given
and stitch them together.


This was last weeks progress.


Last night I finished the dog bowl and bone at the bottom.
There are two more dogs to make and a few
other little things.

Once the front is finished,
I make a quilted stocking and will stitch this front to it.
The little felt backing that is included in the kit
is just not sturdy enough.

I purchase a lot of my kits from
(no affiliation)

I'll link to Design Wall Monday today.

Happy Quilting! (and stitching!)


  1. How cute. I love the detail in the dogs.

  2. You do beautiful work.l I love seeing your Bucilla kits. Makes me want to get out all my mom's supplies. Then I remember I don't need another distraction right now.

  3. OMG - that is so adorable!! I haven't made any of these Bucilla kits in years but you are making me want to find one to do.

  4. It amazes me how fast you work on these! Love that first little puppy coming out of the box, he is sooooo cute.

  5. My goodness, this seems so 'retro' and reminds me of my childhood. Good idea to reinforce the stocking itself to last longer! Just adorable!

  6. Such darling cuties!!! Guaranteed to make anyone smile :-)

  7. That is beautiful. The detail is fabulous. I thought this was going to be for the new baby. 😊

  8. This is just precious, you've done a wonderful job! I love it!!

  9. ooh my you are doing it again and so beautifully!!! Love the dogs
