
Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Poinsettia Pillow Finish

I love Poinsettias.
I love Pillows.
When I saw this Bucilla kit for a poinsettia pillow,
I was sold.

The kit called for the panel to be sewn to a
piece of 10" felt to make the pillow.
Who makes just a 10" pillow?

I added fabric and a zipper back, bound it
 and it's finished.

It was more difficult finding a fabric that would go with the poinsettia
than I thought it would be,
and I am super pleased with what I found.

This fabric is from "Splendid" by Robin Pickens for Moda.


This kit went together very quickly
and is a newer kit by Bucilla.
 I do need to get a larger pillow form.
I'm using what I had on hand for the photos.


This is a better photo of the gorgeous fabric.
Guess who might have ordered a fat quarter bundle of this line??
I have two tree skirts to make in the upcoming year!


Noel hopped on here to say Merry Christmas!

Happy Quilting!


  1. Just a lovely pillow--you did a great job on it--hugs, Julierose

  2. It is amazing, you did well with the fabric choice.


  3. A gorgeous pillow! The fabric is so stunning! And it reminds me that my Christmas pillows are still in the closet.

  4. Beautiful your bright colors cheer the dreariest day

  5. You definitely found the perfect fabric for the pillow. Love that Christmas sock monkey!

  6. Gosh, the poinsettia is gorgeous, Ramona! Such pretty stitching has gone into this pretty. The fabric you found is perfect for this pillow. So perfect for a festive setting.

  7. The pillow is just made the lovely poinsettia even prettier with the coordinating fabric. I am so impressed with ALL those sequins you've sewn....I'm giving you a virtual gold star!!!! Noel is so cute too....hopping up on the chair to get into the picture. Ask him to tell us more about the pretty little quilt behind him with the circle of friendship that's a beaut too! Merry Christmas, will soon be upon us...and then's gone. Is it just me or has time sped up?
