
Thursday, December 5, 2019

Finished Twisted Tote

I have a friend, Dottie, who makes the most
beautiful bags.
I call her the Bag Lady!
She will find the neatest patterns and before I know it,
she's made three or seven of the bags.
She has inspired me to make bags that I would not have
ordinarily made.

The Twisted Tote is one of the gorgeous bags she's made.
When I saw hers, I had to get the pattern and make one for myself.

The fabrics were selected and the cutting began.

The front and back were made and quilted.
I just love this new Kaffe print!

After a few days of sewing on and off,
my bag is finished!
The "twisted" part of the name comes from the pieces
in the squares on point that are three dimensional... twisted... before
they are stitched in place.
The contrast between the fabrics does not come through in the photo.

The inside uses another new Kaffe print,
along with this fun stripe.

I had fun sewing around the flowers to quilt it.
I'm ready for the beach!

Happy Quilting!


  1. Ooh, lots of pockets! But I don't understand why it's called "Twisted."

  2. at first I didn't realize those were pockets I thought the whole inside came out to be put in another bag when you switch out totes lol - I have seen one where you do that - it looks like it turned out really well.

  3. That is gorgeous fabric just right for a bag. Who is the pattern by? And yes I too am wondering why it is called Twisted, I don't see anything twisted about it!!

  4. Your bag is beautiful. I love the colors you chose!

  5. The colors are amazing. Love all the detail. Well done, we could call you bag lady 2, lol You did a wonderful job.

  6. Beautiful bag you are queen of project bags
