
Monday, December 30, 2019

Mindless Sewing

With Christmas and family celebrations,
I had not been in my Hidey Hole for a while.
I needed something quick and mindless to work on for
short snippets of time.
Out of the cabinet came a charm pack
and left over polka dot squares
and the making of half square triangles began.

This little baby quilt came together in no time.


There was little thought of where the pieces would be placed.
Just sew and sew.


I think I have something that will work for the backing,
so I hope to get this quilted and done quickly.

Mindless sewing is the best!

Happy Quilting!


  1. Very cute! I still have grandchildren here but am hoping to escape to my sewing room for a little while today. I have some 4-patches all ready to work on.

  2. Beautiful mindless sewing! They’re such happy fabrics. Happy new year!

  3. Hard to beat a HST for a pretty quilt!

  4. Such fun colors I need a day of mindless sewing
    Maybe next week just mindless knitting at the moment and listening to the wind
    Stay warm

  5. And there you have a pretty little quilt, I need some mindless sewing!! Hmmm haven't thought about what project to tackle yet today.
