
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christmas Stitching

Merry Christmas
one day late!
Or, should I say,
Happy Boxing Day?

I hope your day was just as you wanted it to be yesterday.

My family and I enjoyed a very leisurely day...
late breakfast,
opened the couple of gifts we had,
talked and talked,
and then spent the afternoon watching 
Christmas movies.

While we were watching movies,
I was sewing binding to the back of my
Plaidish quilt.

This was quilted last week and was waiting
to be trimmed and have the binding added.
 For some reason, I am into very simple quilting
these days.
Just straight lines with my walking foot.


I love the serendipity of this whale.
You'd think I fussy cut this guy,
but I didn't!


This quilt was made from all scraps...
something that hasn't happened in a long time.
It will be put away for a donation when needed.

Happy Quilting!


  1. I love this quilt and the simple quilting. I too have been leaning more towards simple quilts and quilting. Not sure why either. Surely it's not because we are getting older!

  2. What a lovely quilt--and named perfectly....hugs, Julierose

  3. Merry day-after Christmas to you and yours, as well!

  4. Simple quilting was just what it needed. Great job!

  5. Merry Christmas to you sounds like you had a lovely day. The quilt is beautiful bright and cheerful.
    Thanks for your many comments, I started the 3rd ball of yarn last night after the house quieted down and people went home..
    Yes Boxing Day I’m taking the day off leftovers for those who are here and fix it yourself!

  6. Lovely quilt..I think I said something along those lines when you posted about it earlier! Sometimes a simple pattern or simple quilting is just what is needed on the project or by us. (....and it couldn't possibly be because any on of are getting can say that because I faithfully read Podunk Pretties too....)Your Christmas Day sounds alot like hours except with the 4 grandbitties present we had LOTS of gifts to open. Looking forward to another great year with you and Doodlebugs, Ramona. Be well...Happy New Year!
