
Friday, September 13, 2019

More Canyon Dance

A couple of weeks ago I cut a lot of the pieces
for Canyon Dance,
so if I have a few minutes,
I can sew a block or two together.

If you have never sewn curves before,
this is the pattern with which to begin.
It's so easy because nothing needs to meet or match.
The pieces are sewn together in a certain order
and then the block is trimmed to size.
Easy Peasy.

This is mindless sewing for me.
Before I begin,
I arrange the pieces in pleasing sets
and stack them on a cookie sheet.
Then I sit and sew while listening to my book.

Thirty eight of 110 blocks are made.


As I make more blocks,
things are rearranged.
There will be a lot of rearranging once 
all of the blocks are finished.

Happy Quilting!


  1. May I say, this quilt doesn't look "easy peasy" at all to me. =) But I will take your word for it. Fabulous fabrics and fabulous design.

  2. I just love this quilt because there is so much movement going on within it.

  3. I'm with Kim: this doesn't look "easy peasy". If I could sew a curve, I would definitively make one like this. It is gorgeous already and not even quilted yet. I love it. ;^)

  4. These look great! I love your choice of colors, too.

  5. Beautiful quilt! It sure doesn't look easy to me though. But it is fun to do a repeat of a pattern that you like, isn't it?

  6. That looks so good. It’s a great pattern as it looks so complicated. Your fabric choices are so yummy!

  7. So very cool! I have some fabrics piled up but I am not sure when I am going to get to them. I am making more shop samples right now!

  8. I'm so envious of your skill. You've made a lot of headway in a short period of time.
