
Sunday, September 15, 2019

MInt, Berries and Chocolate

I really struggled with naming this quilt.
My first thoughta were "Ugly Quilt #2"
or "Sensory Overload"
or.... I won't tell you the rest.
The fabric line is called "Botany"
and Botanical Beauty became the name.

After Preeti's comment, I'm changing the name
of this quilt to
"Mint, Berries and Chocolate"!
It's helped me to like it a little more!
Thank you, Preeti!!

It's not often that I make something and think
"Phew!  That one is finished!"
I'm not a fan of this quilt, but it's done
and a pile is gone from my stash.
 And honestly,
now that's it's quilted,
it has grown on me a bit.

As I've mentioned before,
the Disappearing 4 Patch is one of my favorite blocks to make...

...and I've made a number of quilts using this block.
I am really enjoying doing the grid quilting
these days, too.

This does look like a vintage picnic quilt or a tablecloth to me.

Is it bad that I like the back better than the front?

Another finish and that's a good thing!

I'm linking to Design Wall Monday today.

Happy Quilting!


  1. It seems to me that I always love the quilts you seem to 'hate'. =) Why, I think this quilt is beautiful. I love all the different fabrics, with some surprising colours thrown together. Though the back is pretty, the front is a winner to me. Gosh, you finish a lot of pretties in next to no time!

  2. Some quilts just don't make our hearts sing.

  3. Testing to see if my comment comes to my email.

  4. Well the important thing is that it is done. I'm glad it became Botanical Beauty instead of Ugly quilt #2! It really isn't ugly at all:) I think I might have asked you before but do you press your seams open on this? Or how do you get your seams to nest?

  5. Mint, Berries and Chocolate is a winning combination!!! It is beautiful. It takes effort to finish something that we do not enjoy and therefore to is even more commendable that you completed it. I am sure that many will love it. Not everyone has to :-)

  6. I like the quilt, especially the colors that inspired the new name. And a finish is even more sweet when it's something you didn't necessarily like.

  7. That’s a much prettier name! lol. I think it turned out well and looks lovely all quilted.

  8. Well named! and finished! even better I'm sure you will find a good home for it.

  9. It is a great finish! I definitely have projects like that, especially my recent jelly roll waves quilt. I am still not crazy about it! I still have a stack of 4 patches in fun fabrics to cut up and sew back together.

  10. Hi Ramona, congrats on your finish. I like the new name better too! There are some quilts that may not be your favourites but once the're done, they can grow on you. I also like the back. If you want, please link up to Free Motion Mavericks. The party at my place closes today but open again on Thursday with Muv. We'd love to have you join the party!
