
Thursday, October 4, 2018

Tie Quilt Pattern Decided

A week ago or so I wrote a post about a new project
I was starting.
A quilt made from a dear friends' ties.
I debated over and over about the pattern to use,
perused the internet and Pinterest
and went back and forth.

Finally I decided on what I would do.
I am paper piecing Flying Geese.
(I know!! I know!!
I said I wouldn't do paper piecing again for a long, long time,
but these pieces are larger and won't be as
difficult to tear out.
Plus, with the silk fabric,
it's easier to get a more accurate block.
Remind me of this when I am cursing myself
for doing this again.)

Here are four blocks I made to make sure
I like the design.
I do!
I even like the one that isn't matchy, matchy.
There will be some of each....
color coordinated and those that aren't.


More pieces have been interfaced and are ready for trimming.
Now I need to make 86 copies of the paper part!

It's going to be a slow process,
but there is no deadline.

Happy Quilting!


  1. I wouldn't have thought of using those ties in this manner. Very pretty blocks.

  2. That is a great design idea for the ties. It will look great when it's done and I look forward to seeing your progress.

  3. Those look great. What interfacing are you using on the ties?

  4. Wow, those silky ties have such interesting patterns to the fabric and will make your quilt so vibrant. I like your block design and can't wait to see this pile get bigger. I think you made a wise choice to do this with paper piecing and do think it makes your points look great. Slow and steady wins the race... or at least gets to the end of the binding.

  5. Oh I love that red paisley like one! You are a brave sole to take this on, IMHO. Will you work only on this one until done or just in sections with other fun stuff mixed in?

  6. I like what you are doing. I don like paper piecing either but sometimes the accuracy is worth it.good luck
