
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy 2018!

They say if you do something on January 1st,
you will do a lot of it throughout the year.
I'm excited because I spent time with my family,
including my daughter and son-in-law from California,
I spent time sewing and creating
I took a long nap!!
I am not a napper, but yesterday just called for one.

Over the past couple of days,
I've been sewing the clues for the
"On Ringo Lake" quilt mystery.

Here is the pile of Clues 5 and 6. 
They have all been pressed and most have been trimmed.

When the clue came out that shows the blocks sewn together,
I just had to make a few to see how I like them in person.

I like them a lot!
They are pretty busy and I'm not sure how they will look with the sashing
Bonnie has designed, but I will make a little and see what I think.

It's going to take a while to get these all sewn together,
but with it being so cold,
sewing is a good thing to be doing!

Happy Quilting! 
Stay Warm!


  1. Your blocks look great. I started Clue #1 yesterday, after I finished quilting a large wall hanging. Hopefully my sewing mojo is back for 2018.

  2. They look great. I like them much better on point.

  3. they look great, I have all the clues saved although I still do not know if i will be making them

  4. I was so tempted to do Bonnie's mystery but after taking months to finish last year's I was pretty hesitant. It is a pretty quilt. I love the colors but think it is a little more "peachy" than I would like for myself. Sometimes the variations people do are just as pretty as Bonnie's original design.

  5. Yep it's a good time to stay in and sew when it is cold. If that saying is true I am not in for a fun year...spent time cleaning up a bit in the basement:( on Jan. 1st. But I like that at least one area is a bit more organized and tubs labeled so I might be able to find stuff faster. Happy New Year.

  6. Your mystery blocks are wonderful! It's fun seeing these quilts start to come together. I like this one alot! I spent New Year's Day putting away Christmas and spring cleaning my house. UGH, not what I want to do for the rest of the year! However, I did bind a quilt later in the day and yesterday it was back to my sewing room organization.

  7. Impressive to have a finish already this year! Good for you! I love all the projects you do! Seeing Bonnie Hunter's mystery on your design wall really looks great.. especially with the sashing.
