
Friday, December 29, 2017

So Long 2017!

Here we are at the end of another year
and, once again, I'm wondering how we got here.
I asked my husband today how time can keep passing faster and faster.
I'm certainly not getting faster and faster!

This time of year a lot of us look back on the things we've accomplished.
One reason why I blog is to help me keep track and remember
what I have done and when.

It's been a busy year in my Hidey Hole!
And fun, too.

It's fun to look at what has been made all together.
My two biggest quilts were the 
"Diamonds in the Deep".
Both were made for wedding gifts
and one was for a California King!
I also participated in my first Quiltville mystery
and said I wouldn't do that again....
until I saw the color choices for this years mystery!


These are some of the baby quilts I made this year.
I've donated some and others were made for specific babies.
I just pin basted another one today!


We were invited to four weddings in 2017,
so that meant that four Christmas tree skirts were made.
I already know of two coming up in 2018!
I had fun making pillows, bags and a tuffet this year, too.

It's been a very productive and creative year.
I sure hope it continues in 2018.
There are a lot of quilts for which fabric has been purchased or
have been started and left hanging,
so the plan is to get as many of these made as possible.

Happy New Year
and may 2018 be a very creative year for you!

Happy Quilting!


  1. All beautiful projects. You WERE quite productive! Have a super 2018.

  2. Oh, so Christmas Tree skirts are your go-to wedding gift? What a brilliant idea! I do remember our bare, pitiful tree the first year we were married. A tree skirt is a fantastic gift for newlyweds!

  3. WOW you did accomplish a lot in 2017!!! impressive
    hope 2018 is as productive
    happy new year

  4. It looks like you had a wonderful year! I said "never again" too after my first Bonnie quilt, and now next year's Garden Party will be my ninth!

  5. I feel like a slacker looking at all your photos! I will work on getting my year end update done, you have motivated me. I know I finished a lot, so I'm anxious to see just how many projects I finished. You made some beautiful projects this year!

  6. Love these yearly project reviews! But you didn't show your Bucilla projects...I know there had to be some from 2017!

  7. WOW! You made a LOT of quilts this year!!! They are beautiful. I especially like the red geese on gold with black sashing.
