
Sunday, January 28, 2018

Quilt for Mom

My mom loves the reproduction fabrics.
The colors just speak to her.
She sees some of the my usual quilts,
with bright and bold fabrics,
and, while she isn't rude,
she will say
"That's really nice, but please don't make a quilt like that for me."

This quilt was started some time ago...
maybe last spring?

I decided it would be her Christmas gift,
but I didn't decide early enough to get it quilted and finished for Christmas.
I wrapped the top and took it back after she opened it.

This past week I was able to get it quilted.
Just a meander pattern on the rented long arm machine.
It's bound and ready to return to her.

When I took it back from her to finish it, she made me promise
that I wouldn't keep it.

Don't worry, Mom. It's nice, but it's not my style.

I'm linking to Design Wall Monday today.

Happy Quilting!

Friday, January 26, 2018

Friday?? Already??

Wow! Where did THIS week go?
It seems like it was Monday yesterday.

I've had another frustrating quilting episode
and I am really not looking forward to what has to 
happen to remedy this problem.

So, the final border was added to my
"On Ringo Lake" quilt.
I was so excited to have it finished
and was planning on taking it to the quilters on Thursday.


It was all pressed and the backing fabric had been purchased.
Then, I laid it out on the floor to get some photos.
Even though I had measured and measured
and am a pretty accurate stitcher,
there were HUGE bubbles in the quilt!
And I mean HUGE!
Each corner has a big bubble,
like someone is blowing air up under the quilt.
I tried taping the corners down,
pressing it again,
and nothing.
The borders are going to have to come off and I'm going
to have to find where the error has been made.
It looks good hanging on my ironing board, though.
Maybe I'll just leave it there!


Remember this quilt from last year?
The borders have been added and it's a finish.
(There are wrinkles here because it hasn't been pressed yet.)

I guess my seam ripper and I are going to become BEST friends soon.

Happy Quilting
(or ripping!)

Monday, January 22, 2018

First Border on ORL

I realized as I was sewing the Diamond in a Rectangle units together
into the borders for On Ringo Lake
that I rarely make quilts with this many pieces of fabric.
Especially big quilts.

I'm not a scrappy quilter for the most part,
so I don't usually have bits and pieces of
4,000 different fabrics lying around
while piecing a quilt.
(My Hidey Hole is going to need a huge
clean out after this.
Not all because of this quilt,
but all of the fabric bits not used are in piles
and have certainly added to the chaos.)

The first border is on the quilt
and I really like it....scrappy bazillion pieces and all.

The Diamond in a Rectangle pieces weren't used as sashing,
but I was not going to let those go to waste!


Instead, I used those as the inner border.
I saw the idea on line, but can't remember
where I first saw it. So sorry!


I paper pieced the corner blocks and made them scrappy as well.


This quilt is now ready for the outer border.

The aqua/turquoise fabrics are cut and ready to sew into the border strips.
Hopefully this top will be a finish in the next day or so!

I'm linking to Design Wall Monday today.

Happy Quilting!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Two Halves Make a Whole

This morning I finished sewing the blocks for 
"On Ringo Lake" Ramona version
into rows and the rows are now all sewn together
to make the body of the quilt.

It, obviously, has not been trimmed yet.
I just love these colors together.


It's tempting to stop here and have another throw size quilt,
but I really want this for a bed.

Plus, I don't know what I would use all of the diamond in a rectangle
units for and they were my least favorite to make.
They will go somewhere!

There are some neat ideas out there using these
units as the outer border,
but I don't want the quilt to end with the coral colors.
I want the eye to see more of the aqua/turquoise colors.

So what if I did this?
Use the diamond units as an inner border and finish
it with an outer scrappy aqua border?
I think this could work!

Now it's time to sew all of these coral pieces together.

I'm getting there!

Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


We just returned home from spending a few wonderful days with
our daughter and son-in-law in California.
It was warm, not too sunny, but warm.
And it's snowing here...AGAIN!
Doesn't Mother Nature know that we've already had two
snows this winter and that is plenty??
I guess she doesn't care. :)

One good thing about snow in the south
is that it slows the pace of life.
(Unless you work for VDot!)
I've spent the morning working on my version of
"On Ringo Lake"
and have half of the blocks sewn together.

I decided to leave out the sashing and may use it as an outer border.

The biggest problem with changing the layout is
the seams aren't pressed in the right directions for nesting.
                        I'm not going back to remake all of the units, though, for this to occur.

Hopefully in the next day or so the other half of the blocks will be sewn together.
Then I will decide whether or not to add an outer border using the sashing pieces.
 I am really liking how this is coming together.


I haven't shown any knitting in a long time.
I've made several pair of socks, but just haven't put them on the blog.
This sock was so fun and easy to make, with
just one cable going the entire length of the sock to add some pizzazz.

There was a lot of knitting time on planes back and forth to
California, so the second sock is well underway.

Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Decisions, descions...

All of the units for the mystery quilt
"On Ringo Lake"
are sewn and trimmed.
I've seen several different layouts that people
have used and really like some of them.

These colors are just beautiful together
and I love how the blocks finished.

I am trying to decide if I want to follow the original plan
 from Bonnie Hunter or change things up a bit.

This is the original layout minus the brown cornerstones.
While I like this layout,
it's super busy.
One really needs to pay attention to the direction of the
sashing pieces, too.
I was getting them backwards, just laying out a few here.

As I was making the blocks,
I put them on my design wall without the sashing
and really like this look.
I was trying to think of what to do with the sashing pieces
and then I saw others using them as the outer border.

This layout is so much calmer to me.
There is a lot of color and are a lot of pieces,
but my eyes aren't flying all over the place.

I think I've made my decision!

Maybe this will be a finished top soon!

Happy Quilting!

Monday, January 8, 2018

More Pillows!

My younger daughter and her husband moved to California
after getting married in September.
They purchased a house and have a couple of guest rooms;
one of which is going to be my older daughter's, who has Down Syndrome, "room".
They are decorating it in the colors of her favorite team...
VCU Rams black and gold.

They tried to find some throw pillows in those colors,
but did not have any luck.
Mom to the rescue!
We are going soon for a visit
and the pillows are finished and ready for delivery.

I had all of this fabric left over from two t-shirt quilts
I made a couple of years ago.

These pillows went together pretty quickly
and are bright and fun.

I'll get the pillow forms before we go and have them ready
for my daughter to put on the bed.

This backing fabric is so fun!
This is what I used on the back of one of the quilts
and had plenty left over to use on the pillows.

I'm linking to Design Wall Monday today.
Stay warm!
Happy Quilting!

Thursday, January 4, 2018

First Finish of 2018

I put this quilt top together back in the spring of 2016.
And then it waited and waited for me to quilt it.
Rarely do I have a quilt top hanging around for that long,
waiting to be quilted.
Unfinished, yes...
but once a top is finished, it's usually quilted fairly quickly.

this baby quilt is finished!

I saw this pattern on pinterest a long time ago
and loved the prairie points long the outer border.
Once it was made, I was concerned that they would
not stay sharp once the quilt was laundered.

A friend suggested that I sew buttons in the middle
of each point.
That would be super cute, and I even bought the buttons,
but then it couldn't be used as a baby quilt.

When I started quilting this the other day,
I decided to quilt the prairie points down with a little swirl.
Now it can be laundered and not mess up the points.

A niece is having her fourth child in March.
This one may be going to her for her new little one.

On another note,
I've been sewing the blocks together for "On Ringo Lake"
and laid all of the parts out together in piles.
Somehow... and I counted the units out into piles of 10...
I am 6 units short for Clue 5 and one unit short for clue 7.
I'll be getting those made this afternoon,
so I won't have to stop when I get to the last few blocks.  

Piles of units to be sewn into the blocks.

I hope everyone is warm and safe and sewing away in this frigid weather.

Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy 2018!

They say if you do something on January 1st,
you will do a lot of it throughout the year.
I'm excited because I spent time with my family,
including my daughter and son-in-law from California,
I spent time sewing and creating
I took a long nap!!
I am not a napper, but yesterday just called for one.

Over the past couple of days,
I've been sewing the clues for the
"On Ringo Lake" quilt mystery.

Here is the pile of Clues 5 and 6. 
They have all been pressed and most have been trimmed.

When the clue came out that shows the blocks sewn together,
I just had to make a few to see how I like them in person.

I like them a lot!
They are pretty busy and I'm not sure how they will look with the sashing
Bonnie has designed, but I will make a little and see what I think.

It's going to take a while to get these all sewn together,
but with it being so cold,
sewing is a good thing to be doing!

Happy Quilting! 
Stay Warm!