
Friday, October 6, 2017

Pumpkin Finishes

I love Pumpkin!
Pumpkin pie, Pumpkin bread, Pumpkin cookies,
Pumpkin roasted with some onion and mushrooms,
Pumpkin Ravioli, Pumpkin cake,
Pumpkin anything (except ice cream).

When I saw this quilt with pumpkins,
I knew I would be making one.

Instead of one large quilt,
I made four smaller wall hangings.

I didn't make any of the pumpkins with 
2 1/2" squares as the pattern called for,
but love the striped pumpkins.

The wonderful thing about these pumpkin quilts
is they were all made from my stash.
 I didn't have to buy a thing!


They are ready for gifting
and celebrating fall.

After all of this talk about pumpkins,
I might have to go make some pumpkin muffins...
or scones...

Happy Quilting!


  1. I know when fall hits I get so hungry for pumpkin bread with chocolate chips and pumpkin pie! I need to get me some pumpking to bake this weekend!! Isn't it so much fun to run to your stash and just pick out what you need:0 A very nice set of wall hangings indeed.

  2. I was just thinking how good a pumpkin roll would taste...thanks for the inspiration! (Your stash of oranges must be as nice as your turquoises and

    ps---had pins taken out of foot yesterday...very sore today but range of motion is better. Doctor says leg break is healing beautifully and has hopes the foot will follow suit. I've been quilting in 15 minute sessions a couple times a you KNOW I'm getting better when I can stand at the longarm. Just another thing I will never take for granted again. Blessings....I hope your weather is as beautiful today as skies, warm sun with a bit of crispness in the air. Wonderful!

  3. So bright and cheerful. About the only pumpkin I crave in the fall is Pepperidge Farm Pumpkin Swirl. Toast lightly and add peanut butter... yum.

  4. I love your pumpkins! So cute and ready for fall. I love pumpkin goodies, but my husband won't touch it at all. Nothing! He's crazy! My kids all loved pumpkin stuff growing up so that worked out! I am severely allergic to raw pumpkin, which is odd, but cooked is fine!
