
Monday, October 2, 2017


I have another finish today
that almost wasn't a finish....
several times. 

Several times I almost threw this little quilt in the trash.
It has been one of the most frustrating things to make.
In the amount of time it took me to make this little quilt,
I could have made a queen size bed quilt.

It was started over a year ago.
I'd work on it, get frustrated, put it aside,
work on it, etc.
The strips of color were not the difficult part to make,
but, boy, do they have stretch!
The edge of the color strips are all bias and it was really hard
to get them all the same length.

I swear I used a can of spray starch on this little quilt!

I finally decided to finish it no matter how wonky it ended up being.
And it is wonky!

This quilt is 18" x 18".
I would say 18" square, except it isn't square.

These little pieces of color are 1/2" wide finished.

No matter how much I starched, stretched, pinned and pulled,
I could not get it straight.

Oh well... lesson learned.
It's finished and the pile is gone from my Hidey Hole.

Onward and Upward!
If everything was easy,
where is the challenge?

Happy Quilting!


  1. well it looks pretty and I bet you are glad it is done!

  2. I know what you mean, I have had a quilt or two like that, they just want to misbehave no matter what! Glad you persevered and got it done, you'll be so much happier in your hidey hole now;)

  3. I'm glad you persevered! I love this little quilt! It would have been a shame to throw it out, but I do understand the frustration!

  4. Your little quilt is a gem! The bright colors are just beautiful and the design is striking. I empathize with your frustration in making it though. I once made a similar quilt, called French Braid, with a diagonal strip design such as yours and had no end of trouble trying to get the strips to be straight and the quilt to be square.

  5. It's really cute, so congrats on sticking with it until the finish. I just struggled with a pinwheel quilt that kept stretching too.

  6. Oh my, working with such small pieces on the bias must be a real challenge. The good thing is that a person looking at the finished project just sees how fabulous it is!

    I recently bought some liquid starch and have made up a strong concoction of starch, water and vodka. I hope that using this will help stop any stretch.

    The quilt is really gorgeous - well done!


  7. You are so good to stick with it. I really dislike all those bias designs. It looks nice in the photos and we would never know the problems you had.

  8. Your mini is awesome! I have struggled with those bias edges and you had lots of little ones. Sometimes that makes it seems wonkier, but if yours is wonky I don't see it! It's great! I am glad you stuck with it!

  9. This quilt is striking! I love your colors and they really pop with the sashing and borders in black.
