
Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Tumbler Top Finished

Yesterday I had a "Free" day.
The plans I had changed,
so I ended up having nothing planned.
What is one to do with a free day?


My Tumbler Top is now finished!

The tumblers were cut with my GO! Cutter
using my collections of Kaffe and Text fabrics.

The top needed to be longer
and I was out of the text tumblers,
so I added two rows of just Kaffe Tumblers
to the top and bottom.


The variety of fabrics we have today just amazes me sometimes.


Here is the whole quilt...
I'm not tall enough to get it off of the floor.
At this point I'm leaving the side edges as they are.
They may be straightened out after it's quilted
or I may bind them like that.
We will see how energetic I am!


I considered any fabric with words to be a text print.
This one is one of my favorites.


No matter how hard I try,
like fabrics end up together.
Oh well....
keeps me on my toes!

We have a good friend of the family graduating
from high school this year.
This quilt is going to her.

Happy Quilting!


  1. I really like the Kaffe tumbler's a nice touch. I think I'll have to get a tumbler die for sure now!

  2. I love it - I cut my sides straight because I didn't want to deal with binding on the sides being much work - I love your colors

  3. Very beautiful. I love that fabric combination of the text and the Kaffe. I've not tried a tumbler quilt yet but it's on my "some day" list.

  4. It looks great and I like the Kaffe on the borders..

  5. What a nice job you did on this quilt! I am happy to know I'm not the only one that has like fabrics that gravitate together no matter how hard I try . . . ~smile~

  6. What a fun idea to extend the quilt top. It looks awesome and I love the variety of fabrics. I wonder what a free day looks like? I'm looking forward to finding out in the summer!

  7. Wow, what a wonderful quilt! A great solution because you can never have too much of Kaffe's fabrics in a quilt.
