
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

What am I Getting into??

Years ago I made decorative flags...
a LOT of decorative flags.

My father asked me to make a flag
with our family crest for him.
What an undertaking this was!
I had to make the pattern myself and it was not easy.
I am NOT an artist.

 The Family Crest Flag

fast forward about 20 years.

I have four nephews and got the idea
of making a quilt for each of them
of the Family Crest.

The pattern was found in the attic,
the fabric was purchased
and I started tracing pieces.

Lots and lots of tracing...

This is for one quilt!
Three more to trace.

I hope I'm not biting off more than I can chew.

Happy Quilting!
(and tracing!)



  1. That's a labor of love! I hope you're not planning to get all four done for this Christmas. Is there any way you can simplify like the elephant?

  2. OH my! That is a big bite, but I know you can chew it. You're off to a good start!

  3. Lea Anne's comment cracks me up. :) She's right though! I think you can make anything you dream up Ramona! Just a matter of time, really, because you already have the talent.

  4. Can you somehow cut out more than one piece at once? and so you could end up with all the bits cut at once? Not too sure how you'd do that mind! I think the flag crest idea for the quilts is really awesome!

  5. OMGosh...that is quite the undertaking. Good luck with it.
