
Monday, January 5, 2015

First 2015 Design Wall

It's the beginning of a new year and I seem to be
needing to get some things cleaned up and finished up here.
My last post showed a top I completed
using some blocks I had started several years ago.

Today I have another top that I added to over the weekend.
I had made a bunch of 9 patches and made a small checkerboard top
with the intention of appliqueing a
Scarecrow and some pumpkins onto it.
I started pulling fabric and the oranges were too strong for this.
More oranges came out of my stash
and more 9 patches were made.

Now I have a larger checkerboard top and I love it....
Just as it is.

I will quilt it, bind it and call it a finish.

I realized yesterday that I haven't shown the 
finished (not quilted) tee shirt quilt 
I made for my daughter for Christmas.

I was sewing the last border on this one two days before Christmas!
 It was difficult getting a good picture of this queen size quilt.
My photography skills need to improve in this area!

My daughter was thrilled.

Please visit Patchwork Times to see what others are creating in
this new year.

Happy Quilting!!


  1. Sometime simplest is bestest. On the other hand, the way you set the T-shirts is so much more interesting than a simple sashing. You rock, Girl!

  2. Checkerboard is always my favorite in anything but your quilt is stunning I love it! I also admire your talent I would have never done a tshirt quilt I do not have such creativity as you do! Love both!!!

  3. That nine patch quilt is gorgeous! I love the oranges. You also did a great job on the tee shirt quilt. Wonderful projects!

  4. checkerboard fashion is such an easy way to use up scraps and always turns into a wonderful quilt!

  5. Love your VCU quilt! My son graduated from VCU last year. He would be super jealous of that quilt, so I'm not going to show it to him!

  6. The checkerboard really glows!

  7. I love the oranges in the nine patch pattern.

  8. Love the checkerboard orange quilt. And the way you set the t-shirts is so much more interesting than most. Congratulations on two terrific projects.

  9. Oh, your nine patch is gorgeous!! And I love your tee shirt quilt! I have one of those that needs to be made this year -- I'm looking at other quilter's examples very closely! :)

  10. My mother's favourite colour is orange, when I was a kid I thought she was crazy. Now I see the appeal and like to use it in my quilts. I love how bright and fun your quilt is.

    Your daughter's quilt looks fantastic.

  11. So many quilters are afraid of orange, looks like you don't fall into that category. Love the simple design.

  12. Great quilts. I love how the teeshirt quilt looks.

  13. I love the movement of the checkerboard quilt and the T-shirt quilt is awesome!

  14. The T-shirt quilt is very fun and I love the bright orange checkerboard. Good luck getting things finished up. It seems many of us are in that same boat.
