
Friday, August 22, 2014

Six Spicy Spirals!

The Spicy Spirals are DONE!!

Six of them...
All quilted and bound and
ready to be gifted to my mom and my siblings.
(My sister is the only one who reads my blog...I think!)

These were FUN to make!

The store sample was not bound,
but was finished using the
"pillowcase" method.
(Sew around the edge, leaving a small opening
and turn the topper inside out.  Then stitch the opening closed.)
I knew I wanted to quilt and bind mine and am very pleased
that I did.

The most challenging part of making these was 
getting the binding around the points.
Some look great...
And some look.... okay.  :)

I love the red, white and blue.

Today I linked up with Link a Finish Friday
and Confessions of a Fabric Addict.

Happy Quilting!


  1. These just look terrific in any kind of fabric combination, don't they? And so fun to make. I've ever put binding on mine and I do like the look of it. I may need to try that next time. Did you have to do a lot of clipping to get around the point?

  2. Oh my! The binding looks like it would give me troubles, CURVES YIKES!

  3. Can I be a sibling? They look great. I often think the pillowcase method is more trouble than it's worth. Assuming you used bias binding to go around the curves.

  4. those look great and the red binding is the perfect finish!!! Beautiful

  5. Wow Ramona! And all of them the same fabrics too.... I would never have been able to finish them up. My quilter's ADD would have had me using new fabrics for each one. Your red/white/blue fabrics just sparkle though - love them!!!
