
Saturday, July 22, 2023

Two Finishes and Projects in Motion

 There has been a lot going on in my Hidey Hole lately.
Some things I'm really enjoying
and some... not so much.

The Christmas tree skirt I made for a
September wedding gift is finished!

This pattern is one I designed on EQ8. I'd make a couple
of small changes if I were to make this one again,
but I'm pleased with the finish.
Next, I found this border fabric a few years ago
in a quilt shop while traveling.
(I wish I could remember where!)
I wanted something fast to make and pulled out
the fabric, along with a wedge ruler.
These two table toppers are the result
of an afternoon of play.

They are the top and bottom of the border and each 
one is so different.

I appliqued a little fussy cut circle in the middle to
cover up the uneven join.
One of these I will keep and the other I will gift.

Next, one of my nieces is having a little girl
after having three boys,
so a very girly quilt is in order.
I started with the Kaffe piece and pulled
the pinks and turquoises to go with it.
I just love quilts made with triangles.


The colors are a bit off in this photo, but I like
where this is headed.
 Some tweaking still needs to be done and I may
add two more triangles to each row. 
The baby is due in October, so I have time.

Then there's this....
Each year I go to upstate NY with my sister in law
for "Quilt Camp".
There are six of us who attend.
Last year we decided to draw names and make a 
quilt for that person. 
Whose name we drew and the quilt we are making is a secret.
It was decided to use Cake Mix 3 and the layer cakes of our choice.
Let me just say.... I am not a Cake Mix kind of gal. 
Sewing all of these pages and then cutting and trimming
takes sooooo much longer than just strip piecing
and trimming the HST's.
It will get done, though!
I have until October to finish this one, too.
My goal is to have the top done in the next two weeks.
Hopefully, I'll have all of the papers removed by then!

Happy Quilting!


  1. Girl, I'm with you on the paper HSTs -- such a waste of paper and time. I don't even like to draw the diagonal line on a square and stitch on each side. I am so much more accurate cutting triangles from a strip with one of the specialty rulers for the purpose like Easy Angle.

  2. Oh my goodness, all of those papers on the HSTs does look overwhelming!! I'm looking forward to seeing the fabrics hiding beneath the paper when you're able to show us more of the quilt. Your tree skirt and table toppers turned out fabulous and that fussy cut flower solution is perfect. It absolutely looks like it was meant to be there all along!

  3. I'd say perseverance with those papers is in order for this one! I love the tree skirt, very pretty.

  4. You have been very busy! Those table toppers are really cute and a great use of the border print fabric.

  5. Wow to all your projects! Can’t wait to see what is under all that paper. I am strictly working from my stash so have fallen behind on all the latest tips and tricks and cake mixes ?? Must not have Betty Crocker on the package.

  6. Hi again I sent that comment from my phone and it put me down as anonymous. I really love what you did with the border fabric and wedges. Ann
