
Saturday, October 15, 2022

Stockings for Miles

 This Christmas will be my grandson's first one
and I needed to get his stockings made!
I've made two for my daughter and son-in-law's family...
one for their home and one for mine.

Last week I put the finishing touches on Miles' stockings,
so he is ready for Christmas!

This is the stocking for my house.

These Bucilla kits are so full of cute details!

Santa sure is jolly here. 

Once again, I made a quilted stocking and stitched
the felt to the front of the stocking.

This is Miles' stocking for his home.
His dad LOVES outer space and requested
this space ship stocking.

It turned out so cute and sure was fun to make.
This stocking has the same quilted stocking
as the one for my house.

Santa will be able to stuff these stockings to the top now!

Happy Quilting


  1. I always look forward to your beautiful stocking creations.

  2. Both are adorable, but the one with the space ship is really special.

  3. Cuteness times 2! You are the master of putting these kits together.

  4. Your Bucilla stockings are amazing!! They make ME wish I was one of your little grandchildren on Christmas morning!

  5. These are so cute and beautifully made. I’ve always lined mine to protect the stitching and make them stronger, but I might give your quilted idea a try with my next one. I like the pretty edging.
