
Saturday, August 21, 2021

Pinwheel Baby Quilt

 It is so nice to have some time to sew lately.
Things will be ramping back up soon as my
mom is going to be moving out of her apartment
and into a senior living facility.
This is the year of the move, for sure!

The other night I wanted some mindless sewing.
I had made a bunch of HST's from a charm pack I had.
Other fabrics were added to brighten it up a bit
and to allow for more HST's to be made.
I was going to make a chevron quilt,
but decided to make pinwheels.
Totally mindless.

I am bad about measuring block sizes
and finished quilt sizes,
but this is a good size baby quilt.

Some of the prints have farm animals, 
farm words and farm land scenes.
It's really cute!

Now I need to find the box of yardage in my
stacks of boxes and finish this quilt.
I'm sure I have something that will work for a backing.

You can see some of the cute bunnies, words, etc. in these fabrics.
This quilt will be donated when finished.

Happy Quilting!


  1. What a delightful collection of prints, and they play together so well in this baby quilt.

  2. Pinwheel quilts might be mindless, but yours looks great!

  3. Love those sweet fabrics, and a pinwheel design is always fun. Your quilt top is lovely.

  4. What a sweet baby quilt, Ramona! I love the pinwheels; perfect complement to these sweet farm animal prints.

  5. Very cute quilt, what fun to make a "mindless" quilt once in awhile. If and when I get done with this one I am working on I think I will for sure be playing with some pinwheels.

  6. Oh fun to put this little one together. It is "charming."

  7. See fun to do mindless sewing isn't it?

  8. I adore pinwheel quilts and yours is a beauty! I love the colors and prints.
