
Monday, March 8, 2021

Boxes on Top of Boxes

 I'm not sure anyone realizes how much STUFF they have
until they are packing up a house.
We have lived here for 31 years and have accumulated so many things.
Now I'm packing and sorting and tossing and donating and ugh!
I'd rather be sewing.
For the meantime my Hidey Hole looks like this...

And these are just a few of the boxes.
This too shall pass, as my mother says.
Since I can't sew right now,
(what was I thinking when I packed up my Hidey Hole first??!!)
I am able to do some hand work in the evenings.

Thankfully I have a number of Bucilla kits to be made.

I just finished this set of ornaments last night.
The hangers will be added later on,
but for now, these will be packed up for the move.

I think I was moved to pack up my hidey hole first
so I wouldn't be distracted and come in here to sew.
Sewing is much more fun than packing!
Onto the next box!
Happy Quilting!


  1. you might be right that you packed the sewing room first so your breaks wouldn't be overly long - good luck in getting it all done - we have been in this house for 40 years - it would be a bit much to get through it all - I would be tossing a lot and hubby would be going behind my back adding it back to a box

  2. One of my favorite Bucilla ornament kits! Just love all the little pieces the train cars carry. I HATE moving! So stressful. Thank goodness you have a few Bucilla kits to work on while you go through this experience.

  3. You always make such cute Bucilla projects. Thank goodness for handwork to keep us busy when we can't sew. Good luck on the whole moving thing!! I just cringe thinking about any future moves. We've been in this house 15 years, and I'm sure when we do eventually move it will require major downsizing.

  4. Wait till you start unpacking! How many boxes of quilt fabric? Those kits sure are cute but I’m in the mood for daffodils
    Best of luck

  5. Indeed sewing is much more fun than packing up a house! I have packed up a house after 25 years of accumulation of stuff and agree that it is a tad tedious. Love all those Bucilla pretties!

  6. Having gone through a move 3 years ago, I feel for you! Glad you have some handwork to pick up. Are you going far? Just be glad you didn't just have a C-section like my grand-DIL who will return to a new house with the newborn!

  7. Good luck with your move! I'm glad you are staying local so we might actually meet at some point. Are you getting a covid vaccine? I worked the clinic today and I have to say that I'm impressed with the efficiency of our county administrators.

  8. I think you were incredibly smart to pack up "your" room first for a lot of will be easier to unpack and put things away if you do a thoughtful job of packing, which I'm sure you did. You will be able to really direct your attention to the other things once your spack has been handled, and it has. Finally, preparing for this move has a chance of delays built in and definitely has an emotional component and you can move through those without being worried that it won't all get done. It will. Proud of you.

  9. Glad you have your kits to work on in the evenings so you don't go through withdraw. Good luck with the sorting and packing etc. When and were are you moving? We've been here a little longer than your 31 years and I can't imagine how much stuff we've accumulated. The thought makes me shudder.

  10. I found your blog over Pinterest and I love it.
    It seems we love almost the same colours and patterns.
    Greetings from Germany
