
Monday, February 15, 2021

Valentine's Day Sewing

 We are not big on Valentine's Day at my house.
It's usually just like any other day around here.
Yesterday, since we couldn't get up our driveway
because of the ice storm we had on Saturday,
I played in my Hidey Hole.
The portable heater was plugged in,
making the room nice and cozy.

While this was going on outside....

(This is my only Valentine Decoration. The Be Kind sign stays out all of the time.)

this was going on inside....

I usually web sew blocks together,
but yesterday I just took my time
and slowly sewed these blocks into rows.

The sewing begins with the bottom row in my Hidey Hole
because I'm short.  This way I don't knock blocks onto the floor
reaching for the top rows.

I wasn't totally liking the gray sashing when I started,
but it's growing on me.
This will be a little like an I spy quilt with the different
fun figures on some of the squares. 

Hopefully this will be a finish soon and will get quilted
and ready to give to the new wee one.
I'm linking to Design Wall Monday today.

Happy Quilting!


  1. Lovely top! I used to not be into gray as a background, but I definitely like the effect now.

  2. Great quilt. What size squares are you using? I'm guessing 2.5" but I could be wrong. I think the grey works really well with the blocks. Hope you can get it to top stage soon.

  3. I really like that grey sashing - and those scrappy blocks. Just lovely!! I got such a chuckle out of the icicles on your outdoor heart. I have one hanging from the wind chime outside my kitchen window. Since it's currently -20 I doubt it will melt or fall apart anytime today. But we don't have much snow cover in spite of the bone-chilling cold. My relatives in Virginia have gotten as much snow as we have this year here in SD I think.

  4. Looks wonderful glad you had a productive weekend. I watched our jackrabbits beat oral Roberts on the computer. It’s too cold for snow or ice here -22 when I went to bed last night and it only got colder. It’s a good day to stay inside.
    Stay warm and of the ice

  5. Sew, sew pretty and an absolutely great way to spend an otherwise yucky day!

  6. You have really progressed on the scrap quilt. I think it is simple but an neat design. I like your sashing especially close up. But I really like your photos of the ice. Mother nature sure leaves a beautiful picture in all the seasons. Our snow pile by the end of the driveway is taller than our car at this point. We keep having more and more snow in WI.
    Keep warm

  7. We aren't into Valentine's either but, also, our anniversary is 6 days later. In both cases we generally just give each other cards. We don't need more stuff and things so we call our vacations our gifts to ourselves and each other. The scrap quilt is looking wonderful!

  8. We don't do much for Valentine's as our wedding anniversary is also this month. I didn't even bother to get out the few decorations I have :)
    Love the scrappy block with the sashing. It is going together so nicely! I'm tall, so reaching low is a lot harder for me, lol

  9. We have been hearing about all the cold and storms, so nice you can hide out and sew😊

  10. That weather looks frightening! Your top is looking wonder with the gray. The colors pop like jewels.

  11. I like the gray sashing, very nice with the colorful blocks. Lately, I’ve seen a lot of gray with Bonnie Hunter using it in her mystery quilt. Thanks for joining the linky party, Design Wall Mondays. Hugs, Judy

  12. The snow and ice has been something else! We only had school one day last week and we shall not mention me being stuck in our driveway today in the foot of slush. My husband hates to plow and we had over 20" of snow. The baby quilt is cute and what a great block. I love the gray you picked. I have been sewing so much and not paying attention to blogs!
