
Monday, June 15, 2020

Christmas in June

Last year my sister-in-law gave me this kit to make this cute
Christmas wall hanging.
It's been in my cabinet since then and last week
I pulled it out to get it made.
Making these kinds of quilts is not my favorite thing to do,
but I actually enjoyed the process this time.

I used clear thread to stitch the pieces down
and that saved a lot of time.
The kit came with everything, including the backing and batting!

Making this kit went so well that I decided to pull another one
out and get that finished, too.
 This one I bought last summer at a quilt shop in upstate NY.
I was up there for quilt camp and found this great shop.
Too bad I can't remember the name of it! 

If I had any red flannel, I would have switched the fabric out for the hat.
It's too dark, but will do.
He is supposed to have a string of lights embroidered from hand to hand,
but that didn't happen.
He's waving good-bye before he heads down the chimney!


Two more projects are out of my cabinet!
Oh, don't worry.... there are plenty more projects in there.

Happy Quilting!
Be well and be safe.


  1. Those are really cute, Ramona. You are so good about getting your projects out and done. I just seem to add more. 😉

  2. Nice work Ramona;))) not my favorite type of sewing either...
    I do want to try fused pieces though--have yet to give that a whirl...
    Hugs from afar, Julierose

  3. Very cute little quilts! I tend to set applique aside very easily - mostly because I dread doing the blanket stitching around the edges.

  4. You sure are getting a lot done! Sometimes those small projects are just what you need to have something completed. Me..........well I have committed myself to a detailed needle turn applique project and it is sucking lots and lots of time.

  5. I want to see your cabinet!! Now you will be all ready with some new decorations this Christmas. I assume these were fused on before the stitching? Santa going down the chimney is my favorite.

  6. Great fun to some projects to complete well in advance of when needed! They are both adorable.

  7. What fun quilts. I think you'll have to hang them together so that you have Santa near his sleigh!

  8. Nice work! Fiddly projects like that are not my favorite, either.

  9. Lovely finishes...I'm always happy to see Christmas projects completed any time of the year! I'd be happy to send you a piece of red flannel if you want to re-do Santa's hat! I just bought some! Have a great day...(see what else you can find in that heavenly cabinet of yours!)

  10. These are very cute projects! You are just going to town on finishing things! I loved your Peace projects in a previous post.
