
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Christmas Table Runner Finish

This table runner almost ended up in the trash!
Sometime last year I made all of the square in square
blocks and was so frustrated because they were not
coming together in a consistent size.
(I really dislike precut strips with the zigzag edge.)
This had been a kit I bought at a local quilt shop.

Anyway, in my cleaning frenzy at the beginning of this isolation time,
I came across this pile and was headed to the trash can with it.
Then I began to think.
All of this time was spent making the blocks.
All I needed to do was trim them to a consistent size,
adjust the inner borders and finish the thing.

The top has been done for a couple of months
and the quilting finally began over the weekend.

Here we have a finished Christmas table runner.

It's a dreary day here today,
so the colors are off.
The light fabrics aren't as yellow as they appear in the photos.


This ended up measuring 26"x52" so it's a good size runner.


This will be put away until Christmas and either be used
in my home or given as a gift.

Happy Quilting!

Be safe and be well.


  1. Your Christmas table runner is beautiful! I’m so glad you kept the pieces and kept on with it.

  2. It turned out great! So glad you didn’t make it to that trash can.

  3. That turned out nice. Sewing Christmas stuff in May you are so on top of things.
    You are obviously staying home, staying safe and staying busy

  4. Great save!! I'm with you on the pinked edges. Plus, I've had strips that weren't even the full 2.5". So frustrating.

  5. That is so pretty! I understand that the pinked edges of the pre-cut strips help with fraying, but every brand seems to cut them differently. So I always have to measure them to see if I use the pointy part as the edge or consider it outside the edge.

  6. Love the table runner! I don’t buy precuts anymore due to their inconsistent nature. A shame because some of them contain wonderful combinations of fabrics and you can’t but little bits on your own.

  7. Oh wonderful that you changed your mind--it turned out beautifully--great save...
    (note: almost none of my blocks come out the same size consistently--just sayin' ;}}} )
    Nice work ~ ~ ~ waving from afar Julierose

  8. A good save!! I hate when the precuts are not accurate. Just the other day I had to trim down a charm pack, but so worth the time to get it perfect.

  9. Whew! I think if you'd thrown this away the trash can would have thrown it back out at you! What a gross quilting injustice that would have been! lol....this is so of the prettiest runners I've seen. I know it's been said in about every comment before mine but it bears repeating---EXCELLENT SAVE! You are so talented, Ramona...a true fabric artist. Blessings....

  10. Yay for projects that are raised from the dead! It's a very pretty runner.

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