
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Monster Log Cabin is Finished!

And it feels so good to have this checked off of my list!

There was a time when I was so tempted to just trash this quilt.
I was so frustrated with how the blocks weren't laying right
and knew it would be a bear to quilt.

Finally, I put my big girl pants on and got the top together,
decided I wasn't crazy enough to try to quilt it myself
and sent it off to the quilter.

Now it is finished.
And I am thrilled with the finish.

This quilt is so large (112" square!!), I can't get a good photo of it. 
I don't have a king size bed, so I can't take one with it on a bed.

It took quite a while to stitch the binding in place,
but this is one of my favorite parts of quilting,
so I didn't mind.

I don't know how many different fabrics there are in this quilt,
but there are a lot!

Now it can be delivered to my sister.
I love you, Deeda!


  1. Stunning! It was well worth persevering to the end.


  2. it really is a beautiful quilt - I don't understand what kind of problem you had with it but it really is pretty - I understand not wanting to try to quilt it yourself if you do not hand quilt or have a long arm that is a lot of quilt to try to use a domestic machine for

  3. That is really a fabulous quilt. Just stunning!

  4. That is so gorgeous I know what to do with the jar of 1 1/2 in strips! probably cut more strips first.

  5. I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!! I can't wait to get it on my bed and use it. I am going to need to renovate my bedroom so the quilt is the focal point of the room.
    Love you big sister!

  6. It is gorgeous!! Lucky sister. Hugs,

  7. This turned out so spectacular, funny how quilting can change our quilts so much and we fall in love with those we didn't really care for anymore! So glad it made the difference for this beauty.

  8. Ramona, this is a hugely impressive finish!!! I can see why the dull colors may have discouraged you but now that it is done it is absolutely beautiful!!! Sending the monster (cause it is huge) out to get it quilted was a very wise decision.

  9. What a wonderful gift for your sister!! Your quilter did a wonderful job of taming the beast. I know that you will be THRILLED to move on to the next project! Enjoy.
