
Friday, February 8, 2019

Tie Stocking

Those who follow my blog may remember the
Tie quilt I made using the ties of a dear friend
who retired.

I have a lot of pieces of the ties left and decided to
make something else with these.
After pondering and looking for ideas,
I decided to make a Christmas stocking
with some of these pieces.

Here is the Tie Quilt revisited.
It will be delivered soon!


For the stocking,
I pulled the red and blue ties and cut
HST's from the pieces after ironing interfacing
on the scraps.


The HST's were sewn together
and then I made a quilt sandwich.


I quilted a sandwich for the back of the stocking, too.
and cut the stocking shapes out of both sandwiches.


Binding was cut on the bias and then sewn to the stocking.

If my friend likes this,
I will make three more...
one for each of his grandchildren.

Happy Quilting!


  1. That is fabulous! The colors are so perfect and I love ow you lined the red up right down the center like that. I'm sure he will want you to make more!

  2. What a great idea! And the execution ain't bad, either.

  3. That is a great idea for using up more scraps and I’m sure he will love it.

  4. Wow looks amazing. Really wonderful! So precise and professional!

  5. The stocking is wonderful. What a fun use of the leftovers!

  6. This brought tears to my eyes. You are a wonderful friend and his grandchildren will cherish these.

  7. Looks amazing great use of the leftovers. The quilt is still my favorite
