
Monday, September 24, 2018

On Ringo Lake Finish

It is finished!
While I am really pleased with the outcome,
the process was not that enjoyable at times.
I'm really glad "On Ringo Lake" is checked off of my list
and will be gracing a bed sometime soon.

It's a rainy, dreary day here,
so indoor photos will have to do.

This color combination is beautiful,
especially since turquoise is one of my favorite colors.


I'm not sure where this one will end up,
but it will keep someone warm this winter.


On Ringo Lake
The Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt for 2017.


I'm linking to Design Wall Monday today.

Happy Quilting!


  1. It's really beautiful, Ramona. I'm glad you persisted in spite of your problems. I love the turquoise too.

  2. Beautiful finish. I need to get mine done before the new mystery starts.

  3. Hooray for another fabulous finish Ramona! It's beautiful and you are right, it will keep someone warm! I have a few mysteries in the to be quilted pile--don't tell anyone. ;)

  4. It's beautiful, Ramona! Congratulations!

  5. Yay for the finish! It's gorgeous and I'm sure you are happy to have it checked off your list.

  6. It's beautiful. I just can't seem to make myself get back to work on this one. I love the colors but don't love the sashing. But my plan is to simply make it smaller - when I decide to pull it out again.

  7. Well done, congratulations on your finish, it's a gorgeous quilt! 😍 Love turquoise too 😉

  8. Very stunning with the prints and colors you chose. Congratulations on this BIG quilt finish.

  9. Congratulations on finishing ORL!

  10. The quilt is just beautiful, Ramona. I'm so glad you persevered to finish it in spite of border issues. I knew from your fabric choices it was going to be a stunner. The quilting and binding really complete the quilt. I have an aqua and peach bedroom if you need someone to "store" it for you until you decide where it will!

  11. I bet it feels wonderful to have finished the quilt, it is gorgeous.


  12. You changed the layout, didn't you? I like yours better than mine. I did it as Bonnie said to, and ended up with chaos.
