
Saturday, August 4, 2018

When the Husband's away....

I get so much done in my Hidey Hole!
My husband went out of town yesterday
(for several days)
and for the first time in I don't know how long,
I had NOTHING on the calendar.
I didn't have to leave my house.

So, what does that mean?
Lots and lots of sewing and creating time.

First on my list was finishing this piece
found in my Box of Shame.
It was going to be part of a larger quilt,
but when I found it earlier in the summer,
I knew it was not going to be made into a larger quilt.

A wall hanging it became.

I am thrilled to have this finished.

This was appliqued years ago...
early in my quilting days.
I look at it now and think of what I would do differently...
like not put all of the dark fabrics on one side,
not put the same fabrics so close together,
not put some of the fabrics together at all,
not use that print for the bowl...etc.

It doesn't matter, though.
I was learning and was new to this quilting life.
It's finished,
out of the box
and gracing a wall in my kitchen.

And it makes me smile with it's
huge flower cheerfulness.
It will be called "Flower Power".

Happy Quilting!


  1. Had you not pointed those out, I would never have thought those thoughts. It's a wonderful finish and definitely a cheery piece for the kitchen.

  2. I agree, you are your own worst critic. I would not have noticed the color placement either. It is marvelous and looks great with the border you chose. Great Kaffe fabrics! What technique did you use for applique? You are emptying out the box.

  3. I love it!!! It is perfect as it is.

  4. The wallhanging is beautiful and a great finish and out of your box of goodies! I thought I had a free day too, but maybe Monday! I have been working on a project though. Hope to have it together soon.

  5. Oh, Ramona, it's absolutely lovely....and that you did it early on in your quilting journey just proves what a NATURAL you are!

  6. I love it! It is so happy. So glad you are having such fun with your quilting time.

  7. I think it looks wonderful and I did not notice you put the dark all on one side. I am happy for you that you got it done and can use it and enjoy it now.
