
Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Finally Fixed

Back in January, I was so excited to have
"On Ringo Lake" finished and ready for quilting...
or at least I thought it was finished.
I had sewn the borders in place
and had laid it out on the floor to see how it looked.
It looked AWFUL!!
Somehow I had not measured things correctly,
so the quilt did not lie flat.
It was going to require a lot of time and effort
to pull off the borders and fix the problem.

I decided this week was the week to fix this quilt and be done with it.
I spent a few hours ripping the border stitches out the other night.
Then I remeasured everything and was an inch off in each direction.
Who knows what happened that day!

I added the needed border,
sewed everything back together and have a FLAT quilt!

I need to give it another good pressing
and this one will be ready to send off to be quilted.


This quilt was a very frustrating quilt for me to make,
even without the border issues.
I will be very happy when it is completely done.


The color combination is what drew me to making it.
I do love these colors together.

This will be taken to be quilted in the next few days
and will be a finished quilt soon.


Happy Quilting!


  1. Hooray! Another Box of Shame? I know how it feels to finish or almost finish and be frustrated. And I do love, love, love, your final flimsy. I like the looks of Bonnie Hunter's quilts. And I have done 2 of her mysteries. But matching all the corners drives me crazy. Too many intersecting pieces of fabric.

  2. It turned out beautifully! I have set my On Ringo Lake aside for now. I love the colors and the basic block design, but don't like how some of it was playing together. So, we'll see what becomes of it. Seeing how lovely yours is makes me want to pull it back out again.

  3. It is gorgeous! I wish I had taken part in her mystery, I will not pass up the next one!

  4. It looks so pretty, Ramona. I love how you did the settings on it. You will love it when it comes back from the quilter. I'm glad that you finally had to time to do the repairs to make it all right.

  5. I'm so glad you are happy with the quilt top now. It's gorgeous! I have done that on the border, had it off a bit, it's amazing how it changes so much. It is so pretty and I hope you stitch the edges this time! :)

  6. Some things are just worth ripping and this is one of them. I am sure you are going to be so thrilled when you have it quilted and bound.

  7. I too began it because of the colors. In short order I changed it to a table runner, "Over Scott Pond". Thank goodness! Yours is wonderful!
