
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Box of Shame

My daughter and son-in-law moved about 6 months ago
and one of their bedrooms is their
"Room of Shame".
In it are all of the boxes and things they
haven't found places for or are not sure
they are going to keep.

I have a
"Box of Shame".

In my box are projects started long ago
and forgotten about
until a cleaning frenzy hits
and the box is unearthed and brought to light.
It is truly shameful!

This box came to light as I was taking a break from
window treatment sewing
and I really wish I hadn't opened it up just now.
It's too much of a distraction!
AND an embarrassment! 

Part of a 12 step program is admitting you have a problem
and facing it head on.

here are just a few things I found in my Box of Shame.

Years ago, and I mean YEARS AGO
I decided to make the "Flower Pot" quilt by Kim McLean.
The first side panel is almost finished.
Three circles need to be added to the stems of the flowers.
I have decided that this is going to become a wall hanging as it is.
I'm never going to finish the quilt, as much as I love it.


These two panels were also made for the "Flower Pot" quilt.
They will become pillows or little wall hangings.

This is a Hawaiian applique that is finished.
It just needs to be quilted.
Hand quilting is not my thing, so in order to get this out of the
Box of Shame,
I'm going to machine quilt this and call it done.

There are a number of other projects in this box
that will slowly get finished....or given away.
I may or may not share all of the projects in my box.
A girl needs to keep some things to herself.

Phew... I feel better already!

Happy Quilting!


  1. I think we all have a box(es) of shame. Looks like you're working out a plan. I need to just finish several projects "as-is." Table runners and pillows sound like the way to go.

  2. See, confession is good for the soul! I love that first piece, gorgeous!!

  3. Box of SHAME?! Really? I was bracing myself for murder weapons, grade school report cards, or "adult toys," not gorgeous applique!! I think table runners, wall hangings and pillows are a great idea for those projects that have languished incomplete. Another idea that I've been kicking around is to combine elements of different projects into one new quilt, since there is no way I will ever finish EVERYTHING that I get excited about starting. So for instance, I started making 6" sampler blocks from the Farmer's Wife book, but then I started a quilt along from the sequel 1930s Farmer's Wife book. So I'm picking blocks from either book that appeal to me and skipping the ones that don't. Then there was a Vintage Block QAL on a blog that I follow and those were some cool blocks with Y-seams, curved seams, blocks you don't see often anymore -- so I just resized those patterns down to the 6" size so I could mix them in with the Farmer's Wife blocks I've already made. I've got the Dear Jane book and thought at one time I'd like to make a version of my own, but I've seen SO MANY of them now and making the exact same quilt as so many others deflates my enthusiasm... But I can resize those 4" DJ blocks up to 6" and mix them in with my other sampler blocks. I'm leaning in that direction with a couple of different applique patterns that have caught my fancy, too. If I combine elements of multiple patterns into one quilt, I whack several projects off my quilting bucket list at the same time AND I'm more likely to stay interested and engaged... But shame is a liar who tells you that an unfinished project was a waste of time and materials. Truth is that we learn from everything we do, and if you enjoyed the bit you did so far then that enjoyment was time and fabric well spent!

  4. GASP!!! That's not a "box of shame"'s a TREASURE CHEST. Not only is your applique beautiful but your choice of fabrics is gorgeous. I can hardly wait to see what you do with these. Have a great day---just got back from a week with my granddaughter. How blessed I am!

  5. Now that you have publicly announced it you will chip away at it...or we'll remind you, hehehe. Looks who's talking!!!!! But really I think you have a great idea of making smaller things and getting them done!

  6. I understand how projects we love can get put aside and forgotten. I have a couple of them myself. :) So glad you are making time to finish them! You are a good example for me.

  7. ...... but.....isn't it fun to revisit these? It's like falling in love all over again. Sometimes we just need a break from those intense projects. Those blocks are just stunning. I can't wait to see them finished (once the mandatory sewing is finished, of course).

  8. I have a king size quilt of shame that was started over 30 years ago. My now ex-husband made a comment that shamed me and I quit on the quilt. We have been divorced over 20 years and it will never be finished.

  9. Box of Shame - makes me laugh. I have some of that too. What would we be if we had no shame? Well, since we are confessing, here I go. Made several blocks for a Bee last year. Loved some, hated others, skipped a few. Now all of them are just that - a box of wannabe, shame blocks. I will use them as Block of the Month (one at a time) in my guild and then they will be gone. But you have gorgeous appliqué. I am sure whatever you choose to do, it will be lovely.

  10. I am impressed you have just a box, and not more. This seems to be the year for many of us to pick away at those piles/boxes/rooms, and get them sorted once and for all. Better us than the next generation to say, "Why would she keep this?!" So proud of you, and yours are lovely! Yum, that applique is gorgeous! Do it first, please!

  11. I love your box of shame! I have a whole pile of things, but they aren't in a box. Wow oh wow, your blocks are AMAZING! What fun to unearth those treasures and figure out ways to use them. On your previous post, I LOVE your blue Canyon Dance! It is spectacular!

  12. What a wonderful box of goodies! You don't even have to do the hard work. It is all down hill with your alternative plans of finishes. We all have those UFOs: lots and lots of them. I hope that not only will your window treatments get completed, but also these amazing applique projects. They really deserve finishing; they are so beautiful!

  13. My favourite is the first, it will be a beautiful wall hanging.

    I found something similar in my sewing room - a paper pieced wall hanging that I bought at Mid-Atlantic probably 15 years ago. It needs a border on two sides and then finishing. I've even pulled it out a couple of weeks ago trying to persuade myself I want to finish it!


  14. Wow! What a box beautiful projects. I hope you have fun attacking them for some amazing finishes!
