
Friday, June 1, 2018

Bible Book Block Quilts

Back in April I posted photos of my finished
Bible Book Block quilt.
It was the year long project for the History Club I belong to.
The quilts were in a quilt show at the quilt shop
where the History club meets,
and it was so neat to see them displayed all together.

I took these photos at the show at the beginning of May,
but am just now sharing them.

It's so fun to see others interpretations of the same patterns
and the colors and fabrics used.
Unfortunately, I don't have names of the creators of each quilt,
but they are all beautiful.

Let the quilt show begin!


This quilt is the one I made.

Aren't they all so different and beautiful?
I so enjoy seeing and being with these woman each month.
It's a great group and very inspirational.

Happy Quilting!


  1. It's really fun to see all the different versions with the same blocks. I can see why it would be fun to sew along with those gals.

  2. Thanks for the virtual quilt show to go with my coffee this morning! knitbug at charter dot net. All the quilts are great whether controlled color or scrappy. Have a great weekend.

  3. All so lovely, and all so different! I love samplers. No boredom to be had when each block is so different from the last!

  4. They are so very different. It is amazing. I love to see quilts done in different colour ways and even swapping light for dark.

    Really cool, thanks for sharing.


  5. They are all so I'm sure their makers are as well. I love the braided addition on the blue/yellow quilt. While they all are very nice I'm giving you my Best of Show Virtual Ribbon. :)
