
Saturday, December 23, 2017

Merry Little Things

This week I've been trying to get some odds and ends tied up and off of my plate.
This included a couple of things on my cutting table.
For some reason,
I cut a bunch of "JOY" letters from the prepared Crafted Applique fabric,
but didn't need all of the pillows they would make.
Instead, I made a table runner with two sets of letters.

It isn't the most exciting table runner,
but will add a little color to the middle of my table.

I think I have one more set of letters to use!
Maybe these will be put away until something else inspires me.

When I find something fun and easy to do,
I need to make one for everyone I know!
This year it was the dish towel pillows.

How could I pass this dish towel by??
I did tell myself to STOP looking at dish towels!

Then, I did get Clue #3 of the On Lingo Lake mystery finished.

Clue #4 hasn't been started yet and Clue #5 came out yesterday.
They will both be finished soon...I hope. :)

And, finally, I have this beautiful plant greet me each morning.

I've never had it bloom like this and am loving it.

Merry Christmas!!


  1. Merry Christmas, Ramona! That is one spectacular cactus. I've never been successful in growing one, much less getting it to bloom.

  2. Merry Christmas! Beautiful cactus all merry and bright
    Have a blessed Christmas

  3. Wow, you have been pretty! I like your table runner. Plain in the middle is perfect because then you can set a bowl or a vase there without covering anything up! Merry Christmas!

  4. All you need is a pretty centerpiece for the table runner and you will have a very festive table. You and the towels are like me with gray fabrics, LOL Merry Christmas!

  5. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Ramona. Your Ringo Lake blocks are gorgeous. I need to start my next clue tomorrow.

    The runner is such a great idea for the extra letters.
