
Monday, November 27, 2017

I Succumbed....

Last year was the first time I participated in a 
Bonnie Mystery Quilt.
While I love my finished En Provence,
making a quilt with 4 million little pieces
is not really my thing.
(I know... I exaggerate a bit. :D)
I had done it once and that was it for me....

Until I saw the color palette for this year's mystery.
Oh My!!

"On Ringo Lake" uses my favorite colors...
aquas, turquoises and teals!

And paired with browns, oranges and corals.
Sign me up!
My nine patches are finished.

Yesterday morning I had to go to early church and 
as I was driving out of my neighborhood,
the sky was an aqua/teal color and the oranges
and browns of the trees just glowed.
I am excited about this quilt!

Here is a link to Bonnie's blog,
Quiltville's Quips and Snips,
so you can see other peoples progress.

Progress has been made on my totally scrappy 
Reproduction quilt.
I have sewn almost all of my cut HST's into squares
and then 9 patch blocks.
There are only a few HST's left and they are all greens.

There were enough squares to make 45 blocks,
so 42 of them are on my wall here.

The blocks will finish at 10.5" square,
so this quilt will be 63" x 73.5".

(I had to stand on a chair to take this photo)
I'd rather not add any borders to this quilt,
but I wanted it a bit bigger.


Once it's finished,
this will be donated for a silent auction.
Thankfully I have until April to finish it!

I'm linking up to Design Wall Monday at
Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.

Happy Quilting!


  1. I love your half square triangles, it is so rich and textured.

    Your nine patches are beautiful, I was not planning on doing the mystery either. Then when we were on holiday and I loved watching dawn over the ocean every day. I was thinking about a quilt that was in those dawn colours, and bang! there was the mystery in the colours I wanted to use.

  2. I have been very tempted to do Bonnie's mystery this time as I like the colors but I have so many projects on the go right now that I am saving the directions instead and will wait and see what it looks like before I get going - I like some of the mystery quilts she has put out but must admit a few of them I didn't care for or maybe it was the color scheme

  3. I have to agree that this year's color choices for Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt has me hooked. I haven't started it yet, but have saved and printed the instructions and clue 1. I made Allietaire and YES - so many tiny pieces. I have most of the units done for En Provence, but only 1 block is actually done. I'm guilty of having too many things started and not enough finishes.

  4. Your reproductions look so warm and inviting. I love the assortment and colors.

    The colors of the mystery are so nice, but I have 3 quilts finishing up this month to put together and quilt. I don't have enough time to do them all. Ugh,

  5. I succumbed, as well, but doing half size (at least to start). The pinks and golds in your repro quilt really sing!

  6. I LOVE the half square triangles. I also love the blog name. :)

  7. The HSTs look amazing.

    Like you, the Quiltville mystery colors are calling me too. Those look great. I did mine yesterday. I could stop once I started.

  8. Yay for you on doing the mystery! I love the colors, but couldn't fit it into my schedule. I am saving the clues though. My aqua supply is terribly low right now too and I would have to shop. Darn! Your reproduction quilt reminds me of one of my first quilts. I got to visit it at my daughter's this past weekend!

  9. I too really love those colors, it will be fun to see your progress!

  10. I love that reproduction quilt! And you are off to a great start On Ringo Lake. When I finished my first Quiltville quilt, I also said "never again." Now I am starting my eighth one! And it feels a lot easier. :D

  11. Yay! Your 9 patches look wonderful....I'm still working on mine...searching my stash for more corals and oranges...(my LEAST favorite color but it sure looks lovely with teals and chocolates!). Your HST repro quilt will be beautiful too. Have a wonderful day....I'm out and about on sewing today. :(

  12. I, too, don't have time for it. So, I've decided to do a litter of it. This will be my fourth one made that way. Love your reproduction quilt.
