
Monday, September 25, 2017

Tuffet for my Niece

My niece just finished the work on her PhD and has defended it.
She is moving to a new city to begin a new job,
teaching at a university and seminary.

Knowing that she would be needing to buy some things for her new home,
I asked where she would like a gift card.
(She isn't a huge fan of quilts.)

She shocked me with her response.
While here visiting for my daughter's wedding shower,
my niece asked if I would make her a tuffet!

Well, Of COURSE I would!

She let me know what colors she wanted
and I headed to the quilt shop.


A local quilt shop holds classes for the
construction of the tuffet periodically.
All of the sewing of the top is done at home
and then the instructor brings
the foam, base, upholstery tools and her know how
to the class.

This is the third one I have made
and each one amazes me.
How a bunch of 2" strips of fabric could turn into
something so cool is so much fun!

Once my niece moves,
it will be shipped to her.

I'm linking to Design Wall Monday today.

Happy Quilting!


  1. Very nice! I haven't had the courage (or need) to try a tuffet yet.

  2. You are really enjoying making them I do believe! I sure like seeing them of course:) So what else is up your sleeve for this week?

  3. Those tuffets are adorable! I've seen the classes offered but have never made one before. I thought they were just big floor pillows, did not know they were actually upholstered pieces with legs. Congratulations to your niece!

  4. Wow....I am constantly amazed at how talented you are and how eclectic are your skills. You do everything so well!'re still my "quilting heroine"!

  5. Wow - this one is fabulous! She will love putting it into her new home. Making a tuffet has been on my bucket list since the first one I saw online.

  6. I love it. I have seen so many, but have never attempted to make one. It will be a wonderful gift.

  7. I love the tuffet. I have never made one, no such luck on classes around here! I love the colors and congrats to your niece.

  8. Love it! It's on my to do list for someday

  9. Love the tuffet and I am impressed you've made 3. I made one earlier this year and it about killed me with all the sewing!
