
Monday, August 14, 2017

Slowly coming along...

I'm finding snippets of time
to come play in my Hidey Hole
as the wedding plans are being finalized.

Over the weekend
I managed to press all of the curved pieces
for the Metro Rings quilt.

There will be triangles added to the
sides at the top and bottom of the arcs.

These colors just make me smile.
I used to not be a huge fan of gray,
but it's become such a great neutral color.


Once the triangles are sewn in place,
the block is squared up and looks like these do.


I am loving this quilt and am pleased
with my first attempt at working with curves.

I'm doing a late link up to 
at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.

Happy Quilting!


  1. The corner triangles give it a double wedding ring look. The colors are delicious!

  2. I am amazed at your stash of greys and turquoises....(as they appear to be on my monitor). The last photo really nailed it for me....I wasn't feeling the first pics on the last post but those corner triangle really pull it together...reminds me of a cross between a pickle dish-double wedding ring-orange peel. Very usual. I don't think I've seen anything you've ever made that wasn't. You're my Quilting Heroine!

  3. That is gorgeous! I love your colors for it.

  4. You have made wonderful progress! The fabrics are just yummy! There is something pretty about clear colors with gray, it's really grown on me!

  5. I probably mentioned this before, but I am absolutely in love with the colors you've chosen for this design. They go so well together. Happy sewing! Andrea

  6. This is going to be an 'out of the park' quilt!! Love the colors too. So glad you are enjoying the process, it is much easier to do these kind of gently curves and trim up to perfection afterwards.

  7. I love this! Great color scheme. Beautiful!

  8. I've made metro rings a couple times, though I sure love the vertical layout you show at the top of the post. Quite inspiring!
