
Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Things are a bit scattered around here lately.
I can't seem to stay focused on one thing for very long
and that's okay.
My daughter is getting married in less than 4 weeks,
so this could be part of the reason for being scattered.

I did start a new quilt the other day
and am taking this one slow.

I've never worked with curves
and it's a challenge!
Usually I start something and zip right through it.
Not this time.

This pattern is called
"Metro Rings"
and uses the 
Cutting the curves with this ruler takes some getting
used to, but I really like using it.

Thankfully there is extra fabric built into the design,
so things square up and even out nicely after trimming.

Sewing these curves does take time and patience!

I'll keep plugging away and hopefully have enough blocks
for a quilt top soon.

Happy Quilting!




  1. That is going to be a beautiful quilt. I love your colors.

  2. I've had that ruler for awhile and have yet to use it. I LOVE what you are doing with it. I don't know how you are finding time to stay focused on a new and challenging project with a wedding quickly descending upon you.

  3. Love your colors. Can't wait to see the outcome!

  4. I have that ruler and love it for curves. Ive made that pattern too just follow her directions and everything will work together. Love your colors
    Have fun and enjoy the process between thinking wedding details.

  5. yes you must slow down when doing curves it seems - very pretty looking forward to seeing more.

  6. I absolutely love the colors you've chosen. What you've done so far looks very good. I haven't worked much with curves either, so I'll be watching and admiring your work. Happy sewing! Andrea

  7. Your curves look great! I follow "Sew Kind of Wonderful" and I asked for that ruler for Christmas a few years ago. I STILL haven't used it! Maybe I should and you can encourage me! Don't forget during all the wedding hubbub to have fun!
