
Sunday, April 9, 2017

Another Pile Gone

Three or four years ago I made all of the blocks for a
Reproduction Quilt called "Second Hand Clothes."
I was kind of in a reproduction fabric phase at the time that was short lived.

After the blocks were made, I needed a quilt to donate
for a silent auction benefiting the ARC for my county.
Since the blocks were finished,
I used some of them to make a small wall-hanging size quilt.

The rest of the blocks just sat here...
until the other day.

Out they came and up on the design wall they went.

This is finished according to the pattern,
but I'm going to add borders.


This is going to be for my aunt who turns 80 next month!
I want it large enough to fit her bed, so borders are needed.


It was nice to have the blocks cut and finished.
Putting this quilt together was quick and easy.


I have gotten away from using reproduction fabrics
because I like the bright and bold fabrics.
These are pretty, though.


I was told not to point out my mistakes.
Somehow the two purple fabrics ended up next to each other.
Oh well...

Another pile is now out of my Hidey Hole.

Happy Quilting!


  1. I wasn't going to say anything about the purples ... just kidding! It's so cheerful. That pattern would be nice in any fabric genre. Good job.

  2. really like on point designs and this one though simple is great if you know what I mean I love this type of quilts - I always seem to end up with two like colors next to each other no matter how often I check for it.

  3. Very pretty and I'm sure your aunt will love it. I really like these fabrics, but lean toward the bright colors as well.

  4. Oh I love this quilt and the colors are so pretty and vibrant. She's going to love it!

  5. Love your quilt. I am sure your aunt will as well. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Good job on getting another project together! You are on a roll. I do not work with civil war repros, but I can appreciate them! I admire all you are getting done!

  7. I think it's kinda pretty! Your Aunt will love it and it will be out of your house soon, a win all around. If we both keep cleaning up the UFO's all month just think how wonderful we'll feel!!

  8. I would have noticed it--eventually! But it didn't pop out at once :) This is a beautiful grouping of simple pattern and stunning colors. Your Aunt should love it.

  9. We must be kindred spirits, it could have been me writing this post. I have many piles that I am trying hard to eliminate. One I am working on now is Civil War reproduction fabric and it is harder to stay focused because I am trending now more to the brights. Don't worry about the two fabrics together, that is the nature and beauty of scrap quilts. I love this pattern, I had heard of it but it is not one I have tried, may have to try it and I like to make a pattern fit a bed so yes to the borders.


  10. Like you, I tend to sew with the brighter colors, but I am always drawn to the more traditional colors in completed quilts. That looks so pretty. I know your aunt will love it.

  11. Totally awesome quilt! I love the overall design using the white as a focus. It does really look great with all your civil war prints. Not that any of us has a stash to use up!

  12. Your quilt turned out so well! The variety of reds for the setting triangles is a great way to control the scrappiness of the blocks and the squares. And hooray for getting a project out of the box and closer to being on a bed!

  13. The quilt is very fact, I like it so well that I'll probably copy this one too....(it's getting to be quite a habit---I'm so glad you're generous with your inspiraton!!!). I'm still in love with reproduction fabrics and shy away from brights so I have a good stash to reproduce this. BTW, STILL working on the Amish with a Twist....but it will get finished.

  14. .."inspiration"....I hate misspelled aunt will have a lovely birthday.

  15. I'm fascinated with the construction of this quilt as on first glance it looks overwhelming, but the on the second look, it appears easy. I may have to try this, too. I do love the reproduction fabrics, but it would also be fun in brights!

  16. I agonize over fabric placement the same way. Must avoid clustering of like colors/fabrics. But when I see your quilt, I only see loveliness and a promise of warmth and comfort.

  17. You did a marvelous job on this quilt, didn't notice the purples until you pointed it out.

  18. It turned out beautiful and well worth digging the blocks out and putting together!! I don't care how many times I try not to put like colors next to each always slips in!
