
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

New Direction

The other day I posted photos of blocks I was making
for a quilt I had seen in a book a while ago.
I had gathered the fabrics for this particular quilt
and began cutting and sewing.

All was moving along nicely until I started playing with the finished blocks.

Let's just say plans have changed.

After looking at this layout on my design wall for a day or so,
I am using these blocks for a totally different quilt.
The original plan will be made another time with
different fabrics.

Flying Geese are one of my favorite things to make.
For some reason, though, I cannot make them accurately
without over sizing them and cutting them down to size.

I have tried the technique where four are made at the same time
and they are always off or too small.

the Wing Clipper by Deb Tucker
 is my friend when making Flying Geese.
I make them big...


And cut them down to size.
Perfect flying geese every time.


You can't go wrong as long as you line up lines and seams and trim.

 The first batch of geese have been trimmed and are waiting for the
black and white sashing.


Today was my lucky day for sure!
Since I changed my mind regarding the design of the quilt,
I didn't have enough of the yellow fabric to make the size quilt I want.
This morning I went to the quilt shop, with scrap in hand,
planning on purchasing something close
and Lo and Behold....
the exact same fabric was there!

Praise Be!!

Happy Quilting


  1. Love the Wing Clipper! And love when the shop has just what you're looking for. Found my navy batik in Maryville today!

  2. You were indeed lucky to get more yellow of the same!! This is going to be such a fun quilt.
    I use the Fons and Porter flying geese ruler to make mine, I get accurate results but there is no beating a trimmed up one for total accuracy!

  3. The Quilt Gods were smiling upon you - so lucky to find the same fabric again! Love what you have going to far - pretty orange/red geese set off nicely with the yellow and black print borders. Can't wait to see the finish!

  4. What a fun quilt! I have never heard of the Wing Clipper in all my years of quilting! I do love flying geese blocks! You have been getting so much done! One of these days I will show my projects I have been working on!

  5. I just love my wing clipper and have all her tools. Makes putting units together a breeze. Yours is look gorgeous.
