
Sunday, January 8, 2017

The Center is Finished!

When we get snow here in Virginia, 
it usually closes everything.
There aren't a lot of snow plows to clear the roads,
and we often get ice along with the snow.
I live in the country, so our roads are some of the last
to be plowed.
This all means that when it snows....
I am usually not able to leave my house for a couple of days.
That means I just might have to sew!

And sew I did... yesterday and today.
My goal was to finish the main part of En Provence
and I did!

As I finished a block, I pinned it to the wall.
These are waiting to be ironed.

Finished sashing strips waiting to be ironed as well.

The blocks, sashing strips and corner stones are all sewn together.
I only had to use my seam ripper once!!

The top of the quilt looks so nice,
but don't look at the back!
Try as I might,
my seams did not always align neatly.
I really dislike pressing seams open
(it takes too long),
so sometimes they are ironed to the same side on the back.
As long as you don't see the back, who can tell??

Next comes the borders!
One is almost ready to sew in place.
Maybe later??

Today Bonnie has a link-up so we can see other quilters' versions
of En Provence.

I'm also linking with Patchwork Times today. Please visit to see what others
are creating.

Stay warm!

Happy Quilting!


  1. your quilt is looking so lovely! VA sounds like Arkansas - 2 inches and we stayed home for a couple of days - we could have gotten out in the 4 wheel truck if we really wanted to but didn't feel like it - we were home from Thursday night to Sunday afternoon by choice.

  2. Amazing! You have gotten so far putting it together. It looks just wonderful.

  3. Oooh...I hope you are pleased with how it's coming together. Your color choices work really well. This is one beautiful big quilt!

  4. You are amazing!!! I love your quilt top - it's gorgeous! And I'm jealous LOL!!! I finished making all the units today, so hopefully by next week I'll have a finished top to share too. Way to go girlfriend!!!!

  5. Your version is beautiful! I love your shades of the colors. I totally hear you on the pressing, doing them open takes way too long, but they do lie flatter. We have a bunch more snow predicted this week.

  6. It looks wonderful! I tried the webbing that Bonnie suggested, but the pressing about made me insane. I'm with you, as long as it looks good from the top then I'm not going to worry too much.


  7. Your quilt is very pretty. I have 3 four patches to flip this morning and then I will sew the 4 quadrants together and do the borders.

  8. great job, can't say I had as much luck with the seam ripper and we won't look at the back on mine either

  9. Love it! I'm thinking I need to redo some of my purple 4-patches, not enough contrast in some of the blocks.

  10. Oh look at you go!! I like how it is turning out... you need another snow day huh?

  11. really got a lot done. I think I need a sew day or two! It looks beautiful. Some of my seams did not line up correctly.

  12. Wow! Look at you go! Apparently snow agrees with you!
    It's gorgeous!
    (I don't let seams bother me, either. No one can see inside the quilt, right?)

  13. Oh Ramona, it's gorgeous! And the seams...who's gonna see those? LOL I love being snowed in. I'm such a coward that I won't drive if there is snow on the side of the road! But my chauffeur loves to drive in the snow so if I must go, hubby will take me. But really, there is no place I need to go right now.

  14. Wow! What a stunning quilt top and how lovely to have a couple of snow days at just the right time to put it all together :-)

  15. Oh my goodness. Your quilt is so pretty. What an accomplishment to get so much done--lots of sewing on this one!

  16. Your quilt is so pretty! I love snowed in days.

  17. Snow days in Minnesota are rare, it is expected you can get around, lol. Glad you got one though! Love your quilt, I know many people did not like the yellow but I think it makes it shine. Congrats on using your seam ripper only once!

  18. Absolutely stunning! As I said, I've got all 7 parts saved but haven't started it yet...I need to pick different colors as I just don't have enough purple scraps. I've looked at other color combos so I know it will look good in whatever color scheme. But I really like yours....Bonnie would be proud of you! Stay MAY get up to 40 today so I'm braving to roads to have lunch with a friend and do a little shopping. You really are an inspiration, Ramona! Blessings, dear friend.

  19. Woo, go you! You're almost finished. It looks fab...I'm just glad to have 2 blocks finished! I hope I have more time for sewing the coming weekend.

  20. Oh Ramona I am so impressed you really made progress during your snowed in days! It is soooo pretty! We got snow and rain yesterday and today, but we are used it so not a big problem. I did stay home and sewed.

  21. Your version turned out beautifully! Congrats on getting it so far along. That took a lot of stitching to get it to that point.
