
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Goodbye 2016

Here we are....
the last day of 2016.
How did this happen??

Looking back on what has been accomplished in 2016
has been fun.
I finished more than I remembered!
This is one reason why I blog...
to help my memory!

One thing I love about quilting is all of the different
fabrics and patterns we can use.
The options are endless.

I have all kinds of ideas and plans running through my head for quilts 
I'd like to make in 2017.
The possibilities are endless!

One goal I had for 2016 was to finish one Bucilla kit a month.
This lasted about 6 months, although I did sneak one in at the
end of the year.

I will continue with this goal in 2017.

I wasn't quite as productive in the knitting department in 2016,
but knitting goes much more slowly for me.
It's pretty mindless handwork.

Goodbye 2016.
Hello 2017!

Happy Quilting!


  1. Oh my goodness, I've missed so many of your finishes. Lovely, each and everyone. Sorry I've been MIA and missing out on your progress.

  2. A pretty great year! I love seeing the variety in your work. Happy New Year, Girlfriend!

  3. You had such a productive year. I'm looking forward to see what you accomplish next year.

  4. You've had (and we, too, vicariously) a great year; the photos are the proof. I hope you're twice as prolific in finishes in 2017...may God richly bless you for your generosity, wit, humor, inspiration and dear heart.

  5. You have had a great year-and here's to an even more produtive 2017! Happy New Year!

  6. Fabulous finishes! You accomplished so much! I must ask a question though, how do you make your collage photos? That is a skill I am lacking!
