
Friday, October 28, 2016

Coming Home Today!

My sewing machine is ready!
I am picking it up today.
Unfortunately, for my creative juices,
I am going out of town tomorrow for a week,
but it will be here when I get home...
all cleaned, oiled and ready to roll.

In the meantime,
I've been knitting and folding and organizing.

This past week I made a sock!

This Drops Fabel yarn comes in such fun colors.
I love watching the stripes appear when knitting with this yarn.

The second sock will be started soon.

Things are coming together in my 
Hidey Hole.


This is my second cabinet for fabric,
all neatly folded and organized according to color.

Remember how I said I was going to finish a Bucilla kit a month in 
the beginning of the year?
Well, I got off track with that goal and have all of these kits yet to make.

OH NO!!!
This shelf will look better by this afternoon.

Happy Friday!


  1. I have never tried to knit socks but the kind you show is the kind I like - no seam across the toes - what kind of pattern do you use for that - do you have an easy sock pattern you can share? Is there a special name for it and what weight yarn do you use?

  2. Oh yeah. You are going to be making up for lost time when your get back home. That tidyness will be a mess again. lol

    I LOVE all of your socks. They are so much fun and you always find the best yarns.

  3. I love the colors in that Fabel's yarn. And your fabric cabinet is so orderly. Nice job. In order for me to keep it looking that nice, I would have to not sew, but knit all the time.

  4. great socks your fabric stash looks wonderful all neat and tidy but just wait until you start up the machine.............
