
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Quilters ADD

These days my mind is all over the place when it comes to quilting.
I can't seem to stay focused on one project for very long.
I want to finish this,
I want to make that,
I NEED to do this.. right now!

Therefore, I have a LOT going on in my Hidey Hole.
I am trying to make myself finish things in this unfocused time.
"If you start this, then you need to finish that..."
This works for a while.
So in the meantime...
I have some new things to show!

On Sunday I did finish another "Sew Together" bag.
The second one went together much faster and I
didn't need my seam ripper at all!

I used a lot of the same fabrics as I did in the first bag,
because they were out. :)

I had white zippers and used these instead of buying the pretty colors.

I fussy cut the fabric for the pocket lining and made those extra pretty.


These bags are quite fun to make!

Yesterday I started work on my annual
"Red, White and Blue"
little quilts for my family.
I started this about 5 years ago and have made my siblings and mom
a little table runner or table topper out of red, white and blue fabric.
I asked my sister if she was sick of them yet and she said no!!

Borders will be added to these and then they will be quilted.
I make six each year.

I saw this design on Pinterest, but it didn't credit the source.

My dad was one of the most patriotic people I know,
so each year I make these in memory of him.

Below are the four other annual table toppers I've made.

Happy Quilting!!


  1. I love bringing my RW&B quilts out at this time of the year. Love the design of this runner!

    Your new Sew Together bag is so sweet. They look so practical with all of the pockets.

  2. What a fun tradition I wish I had sisters. sils are not the same.

  3. I think your second bag is even nicer than the first---notwithstanding I really was impressed with the matching I can easily see why your family is not tired of getting red, white and blue little quilts. It is such a nice tribute to your father. Patriotism doesn't seem to be held in such high honor as it once was---and I think that's a shame. But I'm one of those people that still tears up at the playing of our national anthem!!!...and you don't even want to know how much I blubber when I play or hear God Bless America. Keep up the good work---if you can create beauties like these when you're not focused just IMAGINE ........

    Blessings....Hope these storms we've been having do not head your way.

  4. Love those bags. I have the pattern on order and can't wait to try it out.

    I'm afraid I also have quilter's ADD because I can't seem to stay focused long enough to finish anything this past couple of months. But I've made a zillion blocks for different projects. I thought that changing from full-time work to part-time would mean I would get more sewing done. Not sure that has been the case yet.

  5. I love your new bag. I have a different pattern, but similar and made one and have another one I need to make. What a wonderful gift and tribute to your dad. I love your latest table runners! What a great design. My dad passed away on July 4, 2009 so the holiday is a little odd for me. I still have a plan to make my siblings denim and plaid flannel quilts as a memory of him but haven't gotten to it!
