
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Coming Together

The blocks for "Amish With a Twist II" 
are about 1/3 of the way together.
These are coming together pretty quickly...
they are big blocks and there are not many seams to match.

This is crooked on my design wall.
My wall isn't big enough so it's pinned to the window frame.

There are so many solid fabrics in this quilt
and, boy, do they fray!
There are threads EVERYWHERE!!

Hopefully today the whole top will be sewn together and I can begin work
on the borders.

I really am loving how this is coming together.

On a different note,
after some comments from my quilty friends who have
taught a lot more quilting classes than I have,
I changed the design I'm going to use
to teach my friends to quilt.

You can't go wrong with nine patches!
We are going fabric shopping on Thursday....
(the sacrifices I'm willing to make for my friends!!)
and the teaching will begin on Friday.

Happy Quilting!


  1. Yes I am indeed loving your Amish Twist progress, it's gonna be a gorgeous one and what an accomplishment you will feel!

  2. Your Twist gets prettier with each showing of it.

    Ah yes.....the sacrifices we have to make! That is a good beginner's design.

  3. All your diligent preliminary work on the blocks is now coming together in a way that seems magical - at least to me, who didn't sew a stitch. You'll be so proud of this quilt Ramona!
    Good idea about the nine patches!

  4. this Amish Twist is just awesome ! I love all of the bright jewel tones and the pattern in general.

  5. You did an amazing job with those fabrics!!!! I've never been a fan of solids but your is beautiful!!!!! WOW
