
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Now it's a UFO...

My "Amish With a Twist II" blocks are coming along!
When the husband is out of town,
the sewing machine sees more action. :D

I have completed the blocks through
Installment C.

These colors are more to my liking!
I think my eye went to these when I was looking at the completed quilt
and decided to join the BOM.

I'm having a good time making all of the different blocks.

There is something about these little blocks that just make me smile.
Maybe it's the red and blue?
I can see LOTS of possibilities with these.

Onto the next installment!

Happy Quilting!


  1. Sewing with no interruptions??? How fun! The blocks look terrific.

  2. Blocks are looking great! Sometimes we need a certain fabric to bring an air of calm. Too bad you had to work with what you thought were "dull" fabrics at the outset. So glad you are sticking with it!

  3. It will be fun to see your progress on this! I am like you, bright colors are better but intermingled with the brighter ones the other ones look great! Good for you on getting stuff worked on.
