
Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!

When I was a child, I'd think about how old I would be in
certain years and think...
"Wow! When it's 2000 I'll be 40 years old!
THAT is old!"
Here I am... 55 at the start of 2016 and
first of all, I am thankful to be here,
second of all... I don't feel old at all.
What did I know when I was  young?

I am not one to make resolutions,
mainly because when I have, they have lasted
all of a day, or maybe a week. :)
This year
I do hope to be more aware...
more aware of what I do with my time,
more aware of what I do with my actions,
 more aware of the needs of others,
more aware of what my body and spirit need,
and more aware of what I can do to make life easier
for my family, for others and for me.
Happy 2016 everyone!

Yesterday I spent some time in my Hidey Hole
working on the last sections of the "Gravity" quilt.
These are taking much longer to make than I thought!

The picture isn't too exciting because the fabrics are different shades of gray,
but I have finished three of the sections needed.
Hopefully I will finish all of the sections today and begin to 
sew the whole quilt together.

This past week I did finish knitting a pair of socks.

I will put this pair in my "gift" pile to have ready when needed.

A while ago I knitted a pair of socks from some yarn
that I just loved. There was a fair amount left over,
so I decided to make a pair of ankle socks for my daughter with
the tiny feet.
One is done... one is in the making.

One thing I am going to try to do this year
is make some of the kits I have stashed here and there
in my Hidey Hole.
I have a number of Bucilla Christmas kits to make and pulled one
out last night.

While watching football, I stitched this part together.
It's the base of the tree for an Advent calendar.

Happy New Year and may you create to your hearts content in 2016!!


  1. It's funny, this morning Ramona I was having similar thoughts. LOL- I turned 40 in 2000 too and poof! here it is 2016.
    I hope you succeed in meeting all your goals this year!

  2. Happy New Year! I love your knitting and can't believe how many socks you get made. I look forward to seeing your gravity top finished.

  3. You are not old at all. Just wait until you add 10 more years to that number !!
    I love your socks. I am slow to finish my latest pair, but am trying to hurry so I can start something else. 2016 will be my year to try different patterns and recipes. I hope your 2016 is health, happy and full of good things.

  4. Happy new Year! I always LOL when I ready Hidey Hole, love it! Nope you can't be old as I am
    older than you and I am not old, hehe. So anxious to see your Gravity quilt come together.
    Onward 2016 and many great projects for us to see you finish;-)
