
Friday, December 18, 2015

One Week....

Until Christmas!

And I am ready.

This year has been kind of odd....
it's too warm for it to be December
(But I am NOT complaining!)...
I've had a virus for a week
and have not been able to do
my usual holiday preparations...
We, as a family, decided to take a family vacation
in lieu of gifts this year,
so very little shopping was done... 
And I am really enjoying this holiday season!

The Christmas Cards went out yesterday,
a few decorations are up,
Christmas music has been playing
and it is beautiful. 

The Christmas Quilts I have made over the past couple
of years are out, 
giving the place a festive feel.

(This quilt is one of my all-time favorites.)

I need to remember all of this in the future!
The Peace and Calm of the Season are gifts.

Some knitting has been done
and another pair of socks is finished.

Enjoy your day!

Merry Christmas!


  1. Love the socks and really love the quilt!!!

  2. It sounds like a perfect Christmas season - other than the virus. I hope you are feeling better soon. Love those socks!

  3. I'm sorry you have been under the weather.
    I have been loving the warmer weather. Last Saturday found us walking on the beach in Norfolk wearing shorts and t-shirts. It was gorgeous.
    I love that red and green quilt. The group I am in that swap blocks using 19th century repo fabrics have apparently already picked out the block to swap next October. It will be red and green, I am really looking forward to it. Your quilt really makes me think the blocks will make a great quilt.

  4. Merry Christmas! Love the sock and the quilt/ I am not ready for Christmas and this is the year of a lot of guests coming to our house. I am under the weather with excruciating hip/leg pain and it really puts a damper on things. I am still waiting to have a nice vacation!

  5. Beautiful quilt! Merry Chrismtas and A Happy New Year. The weather has been mild here. Just got a teeeny snow yesterday, still see the grass poking through. It's in the teens this morning, but this is the first of that for the season.

  6. Lovely quilt and your socks are beautiful too. I would love a family vacation in lieu of presents for Christmas. No last minute panic. Have a wonderful Christmas season with your family.

  7. Great idea to take a trip - that takes a lot of stress off! I LOVE that christmas quilt!! What a fantastic idea!!!!
